Apparently I'm a Horrible Person for Being a Member


New member
According to the guy in the JK at the gas station, I'm a horrible person and should "re-evaluate" my life choices for being a member over here :cheesy: Here's the story:

Filling up the WK2 and a nicely built JKU pulls up next to me. I start chatting with the guy and tell him "hey you know I'm a member over on Wayalife. You should join up we'd love to have more Georgia boys on there" to which he replies, "fuck that. I've seen the forum and I've read the history. If you follow that Eddie guy and believe that he's actually a genuinely good person, then I feel sorry for you and you're a horrible person."

So I asked him what exactly he felt was so bad about Wayalife, to which he replied with the same old stuff. "Eddie hates the military, Eddie censors his website, Eddie gets all of his stuff free and once a vendor stops giving him free shit he drops them, etc." I just kinda looked at him and said "I've seen all aspects of that website and actually talked with Eddie myself via PM and he is probably the nicest person I've talked with on an forum. People have all kinda of products, and they only get real world advice from people who live, eat, sleep, and breathe this hobby."

He really didn't say much except for the fact that "well a Grand Cherokee isn't a true Jeep anyway, and I prefer to hang around the people on a true Jeepers website like JK Owners "

:cheesy::cheesy: That comment told me all I needed to know right there. Reminds me of the member here who's boss didn't like the website. Thought y'all would get a good laugh out of it because I sure as hell did :clap2:
Freaking idiots is all I got to say. Ive had the privledge of meeting both Eddie and Cindy and can only say wow they are somei awesome people. Kills me to see the negativity they have to face. Oh and this is from a 23 yr miltary vet. Never once saw or heard anything negative about the military just praise. To bad there are so many bandwagon haters

sent from my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
:cheesy: That's an awesome story, thank you so much for sharing it. I guess you really have to be a special kind of person to harbor so much hate for an internet forum that you'd go out of your way to tell a total stranger as much. I suppose I'm supposed to "censor" your post now being that people might find how much I "hate the military" or get "free stuff" :crazyeyes:
:cheesy: That's an awesome story, thank you so much for sharing it. I guess you really have to be a special kind of person to harbor so much hate for an internet forum that you'd go out of your way to a total stranger as much. I suppose I'm supposed to "censor" your post now being that people might find how much I "hates the military" or get "free stuff" :crazyeyes:
It's a shame really because people are missing out on a killer forum!! Had I thought about it, I would have yelled "I hope your control arm brackets break off!!" He had a Teraflex carrier so I assume he is probably running their suspension also :idontknow:
There are two things that most haters of this WAL have in common. Opinions and assholes. They both stink, yet they try to do nothing to investigate why! I love this place!! It's home. Here is to great friends and Assholes!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
It's a shame really because people are missing out on a killer forum!! Had I thought about it, I would have yelled "I hope your control arm brackets break off!!" He had a Teraflex carrier so I assume he is probably running their suspension also :idontknow:

I don't think it's a shame at all. I mean, after meeting this guy in persona and seeing how bitter and sad he was, would you really want him to be a part of this fun loving community? I wouldn't and I'm glad that people like him choose not to be here :yup:
I truly love this place as well, I knew it was a home for me right from the start. so much butt hurt out there for one, a place on the Internet, and two someone most have never met let alone spent time with. really some special people out there.

Sent from my SM-G928V using WAYALIFE mobile app
There are two things that most haters of this WAL have in common. Opinions and assholes. They both stink, yet they try to do nothing to investigate why! I love this place!! It's home. Here is to great friends and Assholes!!!!

People see and believe what they want to see and believe. I consider it lucky that real winners like this want nothing to do with us or our home. :cool:
I too love this place, and hate it when people speak negatively of our family here. But, that is there opinion and they are entitled to think incorrectly!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Great story! Thanks for sharing. I get dirty looks from other people in they're Jeeps all the time for flying the WAL banner. I give them an enthusiastic wave and a big smile every time.
Great story! Thanks for sharing. I get dirty looks from other people in they're Jeeps all the time for flying the WAL banner. I give them an enthusiastic wave and a big smile every time.

It's just weird to me. I've never had any negative feedback from having my WAL decals on. Maybe it's different here in Texas vs other states or regions? I dunno...

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
It's only fitting for me to follow the black sheep of the jeep forum community as I'm usually the person who speaks their mind and calls bullshit on others. I have a personal group of really close friends that I found through Crossfit that are similar. We are the black sheep there as well. We upset managment when we tell people the truth. They come to us first for advice though but they know we'll shoot straigh with them. That's the reason I've come to love this forum. Tell it like it is straight shooters who cut though the bullshit. Oh yeah and I'm addicted to black vehicles. So yeah Black Sheep.
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