Opportunity for service to our troops in VA/MD/DC


New member
Hey gang,

I can't think of a better group of people to throw this out to. Like many of you, I have the deepest respect and gratitude for our troops. On the way to work today I heard a local station saying that Arlington National Cemetery is in need of some help tomorrow. Here is a chance to give something back and to show the men and women buried there the appreciation they deserve so deeply.

Arlington National Cemetery is looking for volunteers tomorrow morning to clean up the 224,000 wreaths that are still on graves at the cemetery. People are meeting at the cemetery at 8:00am and are being asked to stay until at least 1:00pm. There are details on the cemetery's site at:


I will be headed down early to be there and pitch in with the other volunteers. I may have another jeeper headed down with me. If you are going, or want to go, please drop me a line or look for me when you get there. It would be cool to meet some of the East coast WAL guys and while doing some good work for deserving service members and their loved ones.
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wish i didnt already have some plans for saturday otherwise i would come down and do this with you Mike. hopefully some WAL members get out there with you. please take pics for us!
wish i didnt already have some plans for saturday otherwise i would come down and do this with you Mike. hopefully some WAL members get out there with you. please take pics for us!

I'll take some photos and post them up tomorrow. It would be great to see you, Steve. Let's catch up soon! One year on Feb. 3 for that other thing we talked about! :rock:
I'll take some photos and post them up tomorrow. It would be great to see you, Steve. Let's catch up soon! One year on Feb. 3 for that other thing we talked about! :rock:

i basically have all of february off so we will catch up then! come up to rausch on the 7th if you can make it! Also congrats as well my friend! thats a huge goal!:wings::clap2::thumb: stay strong :yup:
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