A wave from Ridgecrest CA!


New member
Hi everyone, a newbie here having way too much fun in my old YJ! :standing wave: Looking forward to meeting new people and joining in on some runs. :D
Here is my favorite pic so far, enjoy!
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Welcome to WAYALIFE! I was in your neck of the woods working on the OWENS Dry lake Project. I was there for about 6 mos. Well a little further out then you!
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Welcome! :standing wave:

I've never been to Ridgecrest, but I do see the sign often on my way to San Diego. That counts for something right?
Welcome to Wayalife! :standing wave:

There are a few members in your area that I know of and you are a few days late for a run we just did out to the Dry Lakes.
Welcome! :standing wave:

I've never been to Ridgecrest, but I do see the sign often on my way to San Diego. That counts for something right?

Yes that counts as you know where Ridgecrest is!

Welcome to Wayalife! :standing wave:

There are a few members in your area that I know of and you are a few days late for a run we just did out to the Dry Lakes.

I know who you are talking about and I was invited but I am still getting over the flu going around and just was not up to going.
That and my Jeep only has a bikini top and it's damned cold here in the morning! LOL
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