Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

This was my assumption. I just wanted it clarified for all. I originally saw the FB posts and have been following from there and making it known through the internets who this guy is. I have reached out to all of his sponsors listed on his site, asking them to clarify their support (not expecting a response btw) and have heard nothing but crickets. I guess we know now how it works with them. Was able to get the JKF thread back up as well. The more info out there the more a potential victim can search for themselves the real truth!

On another note. Enjoy the day!


I'm sure you making them look like the dumbs hypocrites that they really are didn't have anything to do with the thread getting revived :cheesy:

Unfortunately, I think anyone who would care to hear the truth is already here on this forum. For everyone else there, the message will just fall on deaf ears.

"Walk out side.....":thinking: Maybe he missed the fact that you drove damn near across the states on your "Cali or bust" trip:eek:. Oh and the Rubicon trip.... you know, the one that started all of this.

Who me? Sorry, I think you've got the wrong guy. All I do is sit behind a computer screen, have no real friends and never wheel my Jeeps. In fact, I don't even own one :crazy eyes:

View attachment 89712

so according to kyle wenzel:

building nice shit makes you justin bieber. :icon_crazy:

I don't think justin bieber lays in the dirt to help others fix their car. but maybe i am wrong. i don't think justin bieber tells his stoned limo driver to pull over to help someone stranded and offer to essentially usher them to safety the rest of the way through a trip.

the reason i like this group is because of the humility displayed in the video essays on youtube. humility RATHER than the high end tech associated with a lot of what i am assuming are regulars here. the humility is what makes it jeeping. the humility is what i identify with. the cameras, big dollar rigs, and beautiful destinations come second.

we've all got a well off uncle or brother or whatever, and lots of people have amazing rigs. not so common is the abundance of sharing/helping that from what i have seen on the youtube channel is obviously part of this group.

Truth be told, all the footage you see in our videos are nothing more than computer enhanced graphics. None of it is real. :crazyeyes:
not so common is the abundance of sharing/helping that from what i have seen on the youtube channel is obviously part of this group.

I can tell you first-hand from several runs that Eddie is the first person under someone else's Jeep (even people from other groups) working towards a fix, and he doesn't leave until the job is done...period.

Those last few FB comments are laughable and nothing more than childish attacks from people who have no clue what it takes to go on a real run, much less lead a bunch of people through one.

Those punks should go back to the skate park.
Who me? Sorry, I think you've got the wrong guy. All I do is sit behind a computer screen, have no real friends and never wheel my Jeeps. In fact, I don't even own one :crazy eyes:
One, might be an understatement.

Truth be told, all the footage you see in our videos are nothing more than computer enhanced graphics. None of it is real.
That's what they say about the Neil Armstrong's lunar landing too.
I can tell you first-hand from several runs that Eddie is the first person under someone else's Jeep (even people from other groups) working towards a fix, and he doesn't leave until the job is done...period.

Those last few FB comments are laughable and nothing more than childish attacks from people who have no clue what it takes to go on a real run, much less lead a bunch of people through one.

Those punks should go back to the skate park.

LOL!! What happens on the trail is supposed to stay on the trail. It's all good though, nobody will believe you anyway :D

One, might be an understatement.

Okay, so maybe I have more than one :crazyeyes:

That's what they say about the Neil Armstrong's lunar landing too.

Neil Armstrong really landed on the moon? :eek:
I can tell you first-hand from several runs that Eddie is the first person under someone else's Jeep (even people from other groups) working towards a fix, and he doesn't leave until the job is done...period.

No joke sharkey. Having just completed a run with Eddie, he is deserving of so much respect, yet never asks for it or makes a big deal out of it. I gladly stand beside him an call him a friend.

These assclowns have never met Eddie, let alone wheeled with him.

- Jason
I'm sure you making them look like the dumbs hypocrites that they really are didn't have anything to do with the thread getting revived :cheesy:

Unfortunately, I think anyone who would care to hear the truth is already here on this forum. For everyone else there, the message will just fall on deaf ears.

Who me? Sorry, I think you've got the wrong guy. All I do is sit behind a computer screen, have no real friends and never wheel my Jeeps. In fact, I don't even own one :crazy eyes:

Truth be told, all the footage you see in our videos are nothing more than computer enhanced graphics. None of it is real. :crazyeyes:

I knew it looked to good to be true! :what:
I read this entire thread and from what I read it's easy to see the type of scammer he is. Good job on exposing him Eddie.
Even the trolls believe this guy is a charity. What a bunch of idiots!

That's because that's how ROBERT BASIL has been pimping his so called "not for profit" business venture known as fallenheroesjeep.com.

EDIT: I also love how much they've twisted up the facts to make it sound like he was with us but at the last minute, we wouldn't let him roll with us. And, truth be told, if this scammer showed up to one of our events today, I'd definitely tell him to go take a hike.
Kyle Wenzel is one of the idiots I'm talking about from earlier Eddie..

Sent from the Zone of Influence
From the most recent quotes on the thread on JKF, these guys are all in bed together. The JKF sponsors, mods, friends, and the Basil guy. If the sponsors don't support basil, they are probably afraid of loosing the opportunity to market/advertise to the members on the forum.

Despite what we might think of its current state, Eddie built a great group over there that generates business for the sponsors.

We've done a great job to expose the truth, despite the fact his friends (sponsors) will never turn on him.

- Jason

2014 JKUR

Care full there Mr. Ty you mite give your self an internet BRAIN FART wacking your e head that much.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
Care full there Mr. Ty you mite give your self an internet BRAIN FART wacking your e head that much.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Are you insinuating that after awhile I may join "hate fests" and "bash people" just because, without knowing the back story. :bleh::cheesy::cheesy:
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