Random Internet Shit you've come across

View attachment 372801
I have been reading that we don't want any more of that Russian oil to come into our country. So companies will need to take a hit due to the fixed price contracts (at a good price) and they will buy the oil at a much higher price from other countries, who will make up the difference by buying the Russian oil we did not consume.

Russian oil is less green than oil from the US and other countries so it should be burned elsewhere.

All of this is looking out for the welfare of the consumer while we try to put pressure on Russia.

Does this all make sense now?
don’t forget Brandon is asking Iran for forgiveness and to start pumping oil again
View attachment 372801

don’t forget Brandon is asking Iran for forgiveness and to start pumping oil again
Fuck Joe Biden. Nuff said. This sumbitch is a communist puppet. We need a leader that doesn't ask for forgiveness nor permission. Use our oil, stop regulating American workers and companies, and make America shine like it did 100 years ago. The solution is so simple but these politicians, presidents, and Congress members are fucking whores.
The same people who were demanding everyone be jabbed or be considered murderers are now telling us to suck it up and “Endure higher food and gas prices”… Just to put the screws in Putin.
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and when putin is done, these same liberals will go back to fuck your freedom, get the jab.
they need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize these America hating democrats are funding putin's war and this has nothing to do with higher food prices, they jumped on day 2 of FJB's regime... everybody gets $15/hr no matter how stupid and worthless you are!
wait until Iran gets in the game, "nuke's are us" is frothing at the mouth knowing how inept biden is.
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