VIDEO : Where in the Hell Have We Been?

So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.

Sorry to hear about Cindy's parents. My wife Sam and I have some older "folks" but are lucky to have them still getting along. Having lost some relatives, and in Sam's case a late husband, to cancer we know how hard it can be to see someone having loss of ability.
I hope you are able to weather the troubles without too much pain.
Thank you for sharing and making this video. I can see it was and is not easy for you as it was not for me to watch as well.
We cannot be fully ready to watch our loved once aging and make hard decision in their best interest.
Be strong and keep making memories. I can see where Cindy gets her "wild" from!!!!! "Canyon rafting" that is a super crazy fun!
Jackie looks sharp so maybe a trip to Tahoe and about is in order if feasible.
Thank you.
Just finished watching the video, my father in law has lewy body dementia, I know what you're going thru man. You and Cindy have my respect sir.
Thanks so much for sharing, not only the video, but a glimpse into your personal lives. Its never easy when those we care about begin to slip from life and what they've always known. Hang in there, be strong and just do you. Those of us that follow your adventures have hundreds of videos and memories we can watch at any time, and although we may not see as many new videos in the future, we can always look up past videos and spend some time with you guys. Maybe we'll see you on the trails sometime.
Thank you for sharing what is going on in your personal life. It brought memories of our parents when we went through what you are going through.
My heart goes out to you and your family. Such an awesome, heart felt video. Thank you for sharing.
Life has proven that our plans are not always fate's plans. Life has a way of kicking the shit out of us sometimes, but here we are. Even still we take care of our family, watch over our friends, and try to keep moving forward. Good things are coming. I could tell when you clicked "Build your Wrangler." Hmmmmm.
LOL - thank you my friend. It really is good to have you back and Cindy and I always appreciate your support.
Thanks for sharing. I completely understand. I’ve been away from Jeeps for almost 2 years. Sold all 3 to pay for our move from MAss to TX to take care of my parents. Hopefully, I’ll be buying a new to me JKU this week and I’ll be able to get back into it. Best wishes to you and your fam, and anyone else going through rough times.
So sorry to hear that. Here's hoping you get that Jeep soon and can get back out on the trail.
Thanks for sharing such a tough part of your life, I know your guys have been going through it but damn that some hard stuff all at once. I'm excited for you guys to be getting back to your passion while being inspired buy something so important to them, and you. We miss you guys, hope too see you soon. Also excited to see what you have up your sleeve, only a couple things come to mind that you don't have from that link lol...
Thanks Ben. I'd be lying if I said the road we've been forced to take hasn't been rough. But then, that's why we own Jeeps, right? :D
I lost my dad to Lewy body dementia last February at 69 years old. He was in a care home the last few months of his life and really didn’t know who anyone was. He suffered so badly the last few months and one the hardest thing I ever had to watch. I feel for you and Cindy. I know exactly what your going through. Stay strong!!!
I really am sorry to hear this. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. We hope that you're doing well and appreciate your support.
Very sorry for all that you and your family have been going through. You don’t know me but I too live in Las Vegas and am a practicing attorney. If ever you need anything, please let me know. If I cannot help, I will help you to find someone who can. Your videos have been an inspiration over the years and I would be happy to assist.
Thank you, we really do appreciate you reaching out to us in this way. We have a place in Boulder City and spend a lot of time there so that we can help care for Cindy's parents. It'd be great if you could join us out on the trail someday.
Nothing is more valuable than the time you spend with the people in your life who matter, it is something you will never regret. Spend as much as you can, you will not get a second chance.
This is so true and we appreciate your support. Thank you.

That was a touching video, and I know well how hard it can be to put something like that out there for the world to see.

Props to you and Cindy for taking on the hard task of "raising" Cindy's parents. It is a tough job.
Thanks Jerry, we really do appreciate it.
Hey Cindy and Eddie, I’m sorry for your struggle, but you’re doing right by them. Happy to see you’ve been taking care of yourselves in the process. Wish you four the best.
Thank you.
having been there twice, with mine and Michelle's Mom and Dad I kinda know what it's like, hard to see people slipping away. our prays are with you and your family
So sorry to hear that you've had to go through this too. Thank you for your support.
There is nothing more important than family, after that friends, then they become family, then time, something we all wish we either had more of or could go back in. I wish you two the best in making memories with your parents. You will never regret taking care of them, only not taking care of them
Thank you my friend. We really do appreciate it.
I regret not taking care of my parents when they needed me. You are doing yours proud.
I do too. But, I'm glad that I can help be there for Cindy and her parents now.
Your video brought back memories. My dad had Parkinson's and my brother, Lewy Body. Tom's mom passed two months ago and she had dementia. It's a heart wrenching experience. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Thank you for sharing.
Oh Susan, we're so sorry to hear that. Thank you and Tom for your support.
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I'm sorry Cindy and you are going through these difficult times. I'm a Wayalife fan for life so if your video is once a year, I will never unsubscribe. Thank you for sharing and Cindy's mom is still badass for being able to climb into your Jeep without any assistance.
Thank you Dave, we really do appreciate it and hope to see you out on the trail with us again soon.
Damn brother that’s some heavy stuff. My wife’s mom is 76 years old and we have been supporting her financial for the last 3 years so she can enjoy life. I’m so grateful that she has all her facilities. I wouldn’t wish mental issues on anyone. The wife is also taking her mom on a trip next month to the mountains in CO and to Moab to see all the wonderful places we get to go and in some ways have started to take for granted. Ok enough rambling
That's awesome. Enjoy them while you can :)
Thank you for sharing this story. My mother is in her 80s and my siblings and I share taking care of her. Mom had her hip replaced and I was looking forward to taking her out again until COVID hit. My brother still lives at home and that is his choice but she is enjoying him there. My sister and I live 10 minutes away. We spend as much time as we can and I can't wait to finally take her to Lake Tahoe. I promised I would take her to see it when I came back from the Rubicon Trail and I plan on taking her while she is still able to get around. It's hard now that the roles are reversed and we take care of our parent now but I wouldn't have it any other way. My grandmother passed years ago from dementia and alzheimers and my father passed from the same thing. Cindy's parents and my mother are very lucky to have people take care of them. My mother loves her home and we plan on letting her tay there as long as we can. It's been a rough couple of years for quite a few people here so your not alone.
Thank you. I think it's great what you and your family are doing with your mom.
It's hard when those you love are taken, mentally or physically.. It makes you look at life so differently.
Some few of my Jeep brothers know a little of my story.
Your story has me thinking about mine..
I lost my wife to an accident almost 6 years ago now. At the same time my friend and boss at the time was diagnosed with PSP, Progressive Supra Nuclear Palsy. A terrible disease that at first takes the ability to communicate, then to even swallow.. He wasted away and after about a year he died.
Alvin was his name and years ago he had a CJ5.. he loved that Jeep and for years wanted another, he finally purchased it, He was so happy. 4 months later was diagnosed with PSP and couldn't drive it anymore and sold it.
I resolved to go buy a Jeep and here I am,. Having met many great people though this group and Wheeling. I'm thankful.

I realized from my friend and my wife passing that I needed to enjoy life, don't wait for what you want because it could all be gone tomorrow.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
It's where I got the saying that's on my Jeeps windshield.
It's All Good.
Enjoy what you have while you have it.
Thank you for that. For sure, we have now and you really do need to enjoy it.
The hardest part of being our age is watching what happens to our friends and family...I watched this again with my wife; immediately after she called her 90 year old mom, whom we have had to move into an assisted living situation a few years back.

I lost both my parents when they were dad at 53 with cancer, and my mom at 69 due to complications with severe asthma and Parkinson’s.

I feel for both of you...
It's a crazy thing but I can't say that I've felt old until we've had to start caring for Cindy's parents and started talking to more and more of our friends who are having to do the same.
My heart goes out for you guys, its so hard watching our parents inevitably getting older especially with it comes to their memory and the challenges you guys have been through and are continuing, is heart wrenching. They look like have been a huge inspiration to both of you guys, I'm sure in many ways their love of exploration has to be part of the foundation of Wayalife and so is a part of all of us. Family first always! Thank you for all you guys do and Heather and my prayers are with you guys and your family
quite a story thank you for telling us in detail all about it
May God help you through it
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing, I know what how hard it is. My wife lost both her parents with in a couple years a while back. she had a hard time with it.
We appreciate it, thank you.
Eddie and Cindy your are great people! Really well done for what you do anc sacrifice for the parents.
All we can hope is that we're doing what's right and what's best.
God Bless the four of you. Family is first.
Sorry to hear about Cindy's parents. My wife Sam and I have some older "folks" but are lucky to have them still getting along. Having lost some relatives, and in Sam's case a late husband, to cancer we know how hard it can be to see someone having loss of ability.
I hope you are able to weather the troubles without too much pain.
Thank you for sharing and making this video. I can see it was and is not easy for you as it was not for me to watch as well.
We cannot be fully ready to watch our loved once aging and make hard decision in their best interest.
Be strong and keep making memories. I can see where Cindy gets her "wild" from!!!!! "Canyon rafting" that is a super crazy fun!
Jackie looks sharp so maybe a trip to Tahoe and about is in order if feasible.
Thank you.
Thanks Andy. We really debated whether or not to make this video especially being that it was so personal. But, I think we're glad that we did if only so that we could share with others who have or are currently going through the same thing. We really appreciate your support.
Just finished watching the video, my father in law has lewy body dementia, I know what you're going thru man. You and Cindy have my respect sir.
So sorry to hear it. We wish you and your family all the best.
Thanks so much for sharing, not only the video, but a glimpse into your personal lives. Its never easy when those we care about begin to slip from life and what they've always known. Hang in there, be strong and just do you. Those of us that follow your adventures have hundreds of videos and memories we can watch at any time, and although we may not see as many new videos in the future, we can always look up past videos and spend some time with you guys. Maybe we'll see you on the trails sometime.
We really do appreciate it and do hope we can see you out in the trail someday soon.
Thank you for sharing what is going on in your personal life. It brought memories of our parents when we went through what you are going through.
We hope that the memories we brought you were all the best of your parents.
My heart goes out to you and your family. Such an awesome, heart felt video. Thank you for sharing.
We appreciate it. Thank you.
My heart goes out for you guys, its so hard watching our parents inevitably getting older especially with it comes to their memory and the challenges you guys have been through and are continuing, is heart wrenching. They look like have been a huge inspiration to both of you guys, I'm sure in many ways their love of exploration has to be part of the foundation of Wayalife and so is a part of all of us. Family first always! Thank you for all you guys do and Heather and my prayers are with you guys and your family
Thank you my friend. It's times like this that we're so glad to have people like you in our lives.
What “wayalife” is really all about. Certainly none of this. Amy and I miss you guys and know we’ll be here if you and Cindy ever need anything.
Such a hard thing to go through. Both my parents lost battles with cancer roughly 7 years ago. My mom passed first and soon after my dad came down with it. When the time came we were forced to have my dad put up in a hospice facility. Such a tough thing to watch them slowly lose their faculties. But it was also at this time that I rekindled my desire to get back to our earlier roots to an outdoors oriented lifestyle and specifically where I planned my JK build. When the time came I ordered it up and away we went. I also have you and Cindy to thank for this fantastic site and all of the wonderful people I have been fortunate to have met through it. It was through your movies and articles that I realized exactly what I wanted to do. You set the hook. Thanks so much for that and best wishes for you guys.
What “wayalife” is really all about. Certainly none of this. Amy and I miss you guys and know we’ll be here if you and Cindy ever need anything.
Thank you Jason. We really do appreciate it.
Such a hard thing to go through. Both my parents lost battles with cancer roughly 7 years ago. My mom passed first and soon after my dad came down with it. When the time came we were forced to have my dad put up in a hospice facility. Such a tough thing to watch them slowly lose their faculties. But it was also at this time that I rekindled my desire to get back to our earlier roots to an outdoors oriented lifestyle and specifically where I planned my JK build. When the time came I ordered it up and away we went. I also have you and Cindy to thank for this fantastic site and all of the wonderful people I have been fortunate to have met through it. It was through your movies and articles that I realized exactly what I wanted to do. You set the hook. Thanks so much for that and best wishes for you guys.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I am however glad to know that Cindy and I have been able to help in any way that we could. We really do appreciate the support. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your personal heartfelt video. It was well done and brought back many memories both good and bad from my past as well. My prayers go out to you and I hope they Journey continues as long as possible.

I lost both of my parents to Alzheimer's 13 days apart. When ever my parents moved us Dad always went first and got everything set up for us beforehand. He did the same in his passing.

We lost my wife's parents to similar circumstances. It's difficult to watch but it makes you realize how precious life itself is. One thing is you have all the outstanding memories to share with each other, please don't loose that.

Take as much time as you need, we'll be here for you.

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So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.

I am so sorry to read this news. I am going through very similar issues with my father in law, Alzheimer and cancer at the same time. Getting old is not fun.

Best wishes,
Thank you for sharing.
Hope it all works out well for you guys.
Dealing with that stuff is never easy.
Take care
Thanks for sharing.

So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.

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