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Caught the Bug
I cannot believe I've put this many miles on my jeep. Last year I put 3300 miles on my car. Guess I love my jeep...

MTG said:
I cannot believe I've put this many miles on my jeep. Last year I put 3300 miles on my car. Guess I love my jeep...

<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3239"/>

I just hit 3k today! Time to put this to use


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I bought mine on 13 Feb and am about to turn over 8k miles on it. After my trip to the Owens Valley from Phoneix next month I will be at almost 10k.
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I don't even know how to drive that little. The JKU we've had since 2/08 and it has over 92k miles. I guess that's....almost 53 months? Still equates to something better than 20k miles a year, if my mental math isn't off. The JK has only made one significant road trip, and was purchased 1/09, so it has a mere 56k miles.
Iv had my jeep since December of 2011 and only put about 3500k on it. It's kind of shocking thinking of it but of course if I wasn't working nights and had it built up already I would be driving it a lot more. :D
Since picking up my Jeep, I've put over 33k, averaging 19,800 mi per year... and I have 4 other vehicles that I drive.

Can you guess which one is my favorite? :brows: :driving:
Have had my Rubicon since Labor Day last year and I will be at 25k by the weekend..... And it's not even my daily driver.
LOL!! wow, you need to get out and use that thing :D

rubicat is sitting just shy of 14,000
Jeep or no Jeep some of you spend waaaayyyyy too much time in your vehicles!
i only have 1200 miles and i got it in may. I dont know if thats good or bad, but i think i need to do more exploring. Just a little hard with a 6 month old, i cant wait till he is older. :D
Bought my 2012 JKU Rubicon about 4 months ago and have almost 4k miles on it now. Also already did the Rubicon Trail with it. I love it!!!
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