Colorado - Holy Cross - July 20


Caught the Bug
We keep talking about it, so this is my attempt to get it done. We're taking on Holy Cross. July 20. We may or may not camp out there before or after so let me know if you're interested in that.

I wanted to start a thread to start the planning ahead of time.

MEETING LOCATION AND TIME: 10am at Holy Cross Trailhead. Be fueled up and ready.

2. anviljk
3. Slimebones
4. Bierpower
6. jeffj
7. onlyone
8. harker1
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Here's what I am thinking. Run Holy Cross City trail in no particular hurry, spend the night in Leadville at the Delaware Hotel and head back the next day across Mosquito Pass which will hook us up on Hwy 285 back to Denver area in good time to get ready for work the following day. Kick back in Leadville, have a few beers, enjoy the area, get some rest. Anyone interested?
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I may be up for this. It depends on what the boss says but it sounds like a good time.
Here's what I am thinking. Run Holy Cross City trail in no particular hurry, spend the night in Leadville at the Delaware Hotel and head back the next day across Mosquito Pass which will hook us up on Hwy 285 back to Denver area in good time to get ready for work the following day. Kick back in Leadville, have a few beers, enjoy the area, get some rest. Anyone interested?
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I may be up for this. It depends on what the boss says but it sounds like a good time.

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:dont_know: Yeah, just trying to figure out if I need to make a reservation at this historic hotel or not. Never stayed there before. FYI: Mosquito Pass is a relatively easy trail but will connect us back east with a lack of oxygen in the process. Short cut.
Here's what I am thinking. Run Holy Cross City trail in no particular hurry, spend the night in Leadville at the Delaware Hotel and head back the next day across Mosquito Pass which will hook us up on Hwy 285 back to Denver area in good time to get ready for work the following day. Kick back in Leadville, have a few beers, enjoy the area, get some rest. Anyone interested?
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I was planning on doing something to this degree, but I have family coming in town so I'm likely going to have to make the haul back.
I was planning on doing something to this degree, but I have family coming in town so I'm likely going to have to make the haul back.

And we will make the drive back that same day also if no one else wants to stay in Leadville. Just putting feeler out as I would have to make reservation in advance. Makes for a long day , but totally doable.
I texted Rancho. He has a job, family, etc. No real practical excuses...... Hope he responds soon....
I'm going to try to make this run. I will need to leave WV a couple days earlier than we planned, but we might be able to make it happen. I'll keep you guys posted.:thumb:
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