YEA!!! KMC 229s!!!!!

Nice! What tires are you planning on running?

I ordered the Maxxis RazrMT 35X12.5 17, kinda not technically released yet I believe. Should be here early next week.

The vender did not even have them in their system yet. They called maxxis and said they had some stock so they would go ahead and sell them.
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Them do look good ours should be at house in few days still not sure on tires yet

Yea it took me a while to figure out what tires to run. Talked to Trevor about several and he talked about the RazrMT and I liked them, so I'll give them a try.
Yea it took me a while to figure out what tires to run. Talked to Trevor about several and he talked about the RazrMT and I liked them, so I'll give them a try.

After seeing this thread I looked them up and damn now I have another tie to decide on lol. So far is between the razrmt and the cooper stt pro
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