
Ok. So got it installed and figured I'd test it.... Nothing. So I let out about 5 ft and followed directions and using remote it doesn't do anything.

All connections are still connected.

Any ideas?
Also any idea to manually roll in 5 ft of cable?
Are you getting any power to it? Does the solenoid click when you try to engage the controller?

First off, connecting your ground lead to the battery like that is a really bad idea. The nut you're using is tapered and designed to apply more clamping force on the battery post as you tighten it. With the winch lead sitting in between, the nut cannot activate the clamp. As you drive, you find that the clamp will come off just by hitting bumps in the road. Can't tell for sure on the positive lead but if you're using the same nut, it'll be a problem.

With that said, I think what we're needing to see are the connections on the winch itself.
I can switch to that up but don't think the way it's attached now would prevent it from working. Correct?

No, it wouldn't, but as Eddie said, it could cause you to have loose battery cables. IDK, you may have a bad winch.
I can switch to that up but don't think the way it's attached now would prevent it from working. Correct?

It's possible that it's not making full contact and not powering up your winch. Move your black and read leads to the proper spots and tighten everything down
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