Why was my thread deleted?

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.... but the trails at Victoria Gardens do not require me to be locked!

There is that one section though with the speed bump and brick pavers. Pretty gnarly. Lock em if you got em. I do!:yup:

Now why on earth would we delete this thread. Just getting fun. :cheesy:
tomorrow!!! all painted and prepped, u-joint caps tacked, ARB diff cover installed..... what i wont have is my e-locker hooked up, but the trails at Victoria Secret do not require me to be locked!

okay NOW you may delete this thread...

Fixed if for you. :thumb:
First of all, the vagina comment was simply to state that the contest is only open to WOMEN. Had it been open to men, I bet money there would have been a bunch of men looking for support trying to win it too.

Second of all, I am NOT one of the half naked chicks trying to use "whats between their neck and knees" to get something for free. Go ahead and scour the internet and tell me when you find a picture of me half naked sprawled out trying to win something. OH WAIT. You won't!

Way to pick something apart and twist it to use for your own instigating of an argument. For those who missed the first thread, I was looking for support to be voted next Spyder Girl SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I AM NOT SOME SLUTTY MODEL SELLING HER BODY FOR ATTENTION. I mentioned that I am not the size 0 knockout I used to be because of being injured and now disabled. Overlander so graciously chimed in as to support his preference for typical size zero bimbos and getting said bimbos drunk because a womans personality don't matter. Overlander can have his preference and I don't care, but it was stupid to even post that on a thread that everyone else was supportive of.

So thank you very much for being a big group of internet tough guys. I've had my fill of being around PIGS thanks to the Army, and I'm done being in that kind of environment. Your skin might be a little bit "thin" in this subject if you had fought off multiple attempted assaults too, you fucking pieces of shit.

And please, never come to Texas.

She got sand in said vagina. Chill girl. We're not all internet tough guys here but some of us don't feel the need to advertise we're female.
Whatever dude. If you had a vagina that qualified you to possibly win $1,000 towards PSC parts you would do the same thing. Or maybe you do have a vagina and asked my thread to be deleted so you can win. The internet may never know.

day 28 and counting :asshat:
As a Fellow TEXAN I can say this Lady Jeeper I dont think you should have used the vigina as a referance to anything it degrades you and makes it sound like the sterotypical woman.
on the other hand I think when some one is upset I don't think it's a good idea to stir the pot more with insults. I can say with out a doubt this forum is way better than any other I have found. It is very hard to convey a persons emotions in writing. Even though everyone like to cut up and have a good time I honestly don't think anyone was trying to degrade you they were just having a little fun poking at you.
Man she seemed a little grumpy . I know my wife gets that way oh say every few weeks. I'll still vote for ya though. Just on principal.

Sent from my SPH-L720
I honestly don't think anyone was trying to degrade you they were just having a little fun poking at you.

Poking, haha. They were slingin and swingin. She asked for it, prolly gettin all hot and bothered over it right now.:thumb:
Seriously this thread needs to be deleted. I don't agree with her reaction but I don't necessarily blame her. No I'm not a veteran of this forum, no I don't know everyone on here, and no I don't mean any disrespect due to that, and yes I know just as much as the next guy that people will be on here that don't really belong but I've seen more people being harassed and/or leaving in the last 2 months or so than in the year I've been on the forum. Granted I understand many have been misunderstandings or over reactions or what not, and I'm aware that my opinion probably doesn't mean shit, but to continue to talk shit like this I dunno. Ive been on some really shitty forums and I think this one is really great and I get the joking and everything but I think lines are being crossed. I'd just like at least this thread to be deleted because I don't think its a legitimate representation of this forum, especially for new people coming on and seeing this. Again, I'm not meaning to make waves or cause anymore animosity especially considering I dont know you the vast majority of you personally and that wouldn't make any sense to do, but I just felt the need to voice my legitimate concern and you guys can burn me all you want, it'll just prove my point.
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