Why so much hate towards the Renegade-Comanche?

I'm not a huge fan of the renegade. It's not bad looking or anything just not my first choice. I will say I'm surprised they used the renegade to "remake" the Comanche though as the old one was an XJ front end ha ha and I just think it looks kinda odd. I would however like to see it on solid axles and say 33's. I know it's an IFS/IRS vehicle but after seeing how eddies looks with the bigger STT Pros it has me wondering if it would look meaner from the front. But
Maybe that's just me
I love both of those vehicles!!

My wife absolutely despises the renegade, and threatened to burn it with fire with me in it if I buy one.
I love the new Comanche I agree idk why all the hate. But like everyone said let them hate! I'd rock the hell out of that thing! The diesel is a cool idea [emoji41][emoji631]
i love that little thing and would get one in a heartbeat as a DD if I had the money. they are awesome and I would get the wifey a renegade to replace her suburban but hey we need the room. Fiat has made one ugly jeep IMHO (Cherokee), but the renegades are awesome.
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