When to Rebalance Tires


New member
Sorry but I was unable to find this information via search. But can anyone suggest when to rebalance tires? I went out wheeling this past weekend and noticed several chunks out of each of the tires. They are Nitto Trail Grapplers and wondered if/when I would need to rebalance to maximize longevity. Any help with this is appreciated.
Sorry but I was unable to find this information via search. But can anyone suggest when to rebalance tires? I went out wheeling this past weekend and noticed several chunks out of each of the tires. They are Nitto Trail Grapplers and wondered if/when I would need to rebalance to maximize longevity. Any help with this is appreciated.

I have mine balanced at every rotation. Got the lifetime balancing from America's Tire. Sometimes the balancing is off, so I've gotten them re-done as the need arises between rotations.
Depends on how they balanced them, with weights or beads... With weights, as long you don't lose any you shouldn't have to get em balanced ever... I got beads in mine and I went two years but realized that was too long as the beads were all jammed together because of moisture (airing down and up will cause that). So I came to the conclusion I'll get the beads replaced every year

hope this answers your question
Sorry but I was unable to find this information via search. But can anyone suggest when to rebalance tires? I went out wheeling this past weekend and noticed several chunks out of each of the tires. They are Nitto Trail Grapplers and wondered if/when I would need to rebalance to maximize longevity. Any help with this is appreciated.

When you have a vibration...balancing doesn't add longevity to a tire
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