When I win the power ball!


New member
When I win the $600,000,000 power ball tomorrow I will give everyone who comments on this thread $1000! After I drop a ridiculous amount of money into my JK of course..

What would you do with the money?
Good luck to you. That 1k would sure come in handy. If I won that much money, I would pay off all my family members including my wife's family all their mortgages, miscl debts and give each of them $100k. Then of course mod the Jeep with all the goodies I can think possible....

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I'm decking out my jeep! PR60 front and rear, 40's, nittos around some slabs, EVO DTD. Oh yea I'm going all out. Even going to ship my jeep out to EVO to have them do it lol

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Dynatrac 60's for my friends. EVO swag for all my Wayalifers. I'm buying Eddie and Cindy a brewery to host SnG twice a month ;) and of course I'd drive over to ORE hand Mel my keys and get EVO'ed up!
With 600,000,000 I'd prly help some ppl build up their rigs and do whatever the F I want for the rest of my life.
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