What's your view like at work?

It's great so far! Lot of business here in Carlsbad. Hours are just a bit more than my previous job, but now that I'm in this field I'm finally getting paid for the amount of time and effort I'm putting in. I'm excited and it's really jumpstarted for me these last couple of weeks.
Piece rate and commission based work really can pay off well. It builds better work ethics and time management in my opinion.
Piece rate and commission based work really can pay off well. It builds better work ethics and time management in my opinion.
Could not agree more, I told prospective employees in the interview my payscale will separate the men from the boys. I guaranteed minimum wage, but paid piece work. 1 kid quit after 6 weeks unhappy with how little he made. Another was a ski bum, cleared $90k in the off-season. They have understood quality too because they owned their punch-lists.
Could not agree more, I told prospective employees in the interview my payscale will separate the men from the boys. I guaranteed minimum wage, but paid piece work. 1 kid quit after 6 weeks unhappy with how little he made. Another was a ski bum, cleared $90k in the off-season. They have understood quality too because they owned their punch-lists.
There should be more positions available to this pay scale…
There should be more positions available to this pay scale…
One of our close family friends retired from the State Employment office as an auditor of employers, I ran my idea across him before rolling it out. He was doubtful it would work, but couldn't find a legal issue; he was happy for me to find a way to create family-level waged jobs. Pissed off quite a few union tradesmen though, my guys would go in and blow out a week's worth of work over a weekend, then come Monday morning the project manager would ride them to catch up.
One of our close family friends retired from the State Employment office as an auditor of employers, I ran my idea across him before rolling it out. He was doubtful it would work, but couldn't find a legal issue; he was happy for me to find a way to create family-level waged jobs. Pissed off quite a few union tradesmen though, my guys would go in and blow out a week's worth of work over a weekend, then come Monday morning the project manager would ride them to catch up.
Piece work is illegal in California I’m pretty sure.
Piece work is illegal in California I’m pretty sure.
It is not illegal in California, it just requires compensation for rest and recovery periods at the average hourly rate. So what California has essentially done is lower the piece rate offered to lower the average hourly rate to compensate for the requirements. The California government's solution to everything, increase the amount of bureaucracy to accomplish their goal.
That sucks. Will you have to redo the forms or just let it dry out?
We’ll pump it then let it dry out. Forms should be good, we’ll double check everything though before we double side it. Don‘t know what the bottom looks like yet but I’m pretty sure it will need to be cleaned up around the rebar.… these trenches are about 30” deep unfortunately. Luckily we poured 20yards Saturday Morning and got 18 underpin and steel column Pads filled with concrete. So that lessens the headache a little.
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