What Started it For You?

Was visiting colorado in 1999. Stayed in telluride a few days and saw you could rent wranglers daily and take them up the mountain trails. So off my wife and i go with a simple map and no clue what was ahead. Things like shelf roads. Summits. Thunderstorms rolling into the top of the mountains. Small Boulders blocking the road.

We got to the top of imogene pass when a storm rolled in and said what now. We lightning we decided we needed to go down the otherside. Steep rocky inclines with water running down. We made it to ouray eventually and realized that was scary and awesome. Both of us were hooked.

At the time we lived in jersey and nowhere to really wheel.

Moved west in 2005 and within a few months i had a TJ. And then a JK in 2010. The rest is history.
Killed my bow then deployed came back and did everything possible to get her working again for a few hundred. Had no luck and got tired of it so after always wanting a jeep, used to have a get tracker, I found one that fit the budget, good miles and 4 doors. I was about to get married and adopt my daughter so I pulled the trigger. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1430682359.523757.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1430682377.602754.jpg
My parents bought me one for my 17th birthday for my first car! I have always been a fan of the humvees and jeeps and h1s when they started making them! I wanted a hummer h1 but my parents wouldn't get it so they bought me my 2008 jk x completely stock! I still have it and i've put a few decals on it but that's about it. I plan on officially starting the build this summer
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