What happened guys?

And this is what I'm talking about! If you're friends are in fact leaving in wave, I applaud them for doing so in a mature manner and without starting juvenile rants. I have sincere respect for how they handled themselves.

Because this is America and people should have the FREEDOM to frequent whatever website they want no less they should be able to watch whatever news or entertainment channel they want. If they don't like CNN, they should be able to watch FOX instead. If they don't like Al Franken, they should be able to listen to Rush Limbaugh.

You make a very valid point here.
Here is my 2cents... First your on a forum for the same reason to enjoy the jeep lifestyle we all know and love. When someone comes on here asking for advice on what parts they should use, or pics about a particular build you have to look at it all as opinion some have been around jeeps longer and have great input when it comes to advice.. Newbies as myself and others are just trying to get all the info we can so we can make our jeep into our own... Some are on a budget some have a lil more $$ to do more with. Who cares about what ones opinion. That's all it is. Is an opinion about a particular build, thread, problem or mod take it with a grain of salt and move on with the info given don't go all butt hurt cause you don't like what's being said. You asked for the info... Check your feelings at the door and move on. 0|||||||0
Good people like ridge3runner, CanvasJK have just disappeared - they're done with the bickering and roasting.

And good for them. I'm so encouraged to see grown men just move like that rather than hang out their dirty laundry for everyone to see. So now I've gotta wonder, why are you still here?

How many of those 20+ members are inactive or banned?

LOL - "Banned"? Oh brother :naw:
My $0.02 is its ok to raise the issue. But the issue is an anomaly not the norm. If there is a true issue with some folks or topics, then they should bring it up in PM with WOL or with a MOD.

To try to "change the forum" is a big task, and way overboard. I like the forum and have made a lot of friends here. Some folks maybe should ignore topics if they might take responses too personal. Not saying folks can't have opinions, but if an issue is getting heated, don't reply on a thread.

I got flamed about amber lights. I get flamed all the time about all kinds of stuff, but I hope it's nothing seriously personal. I could take it as an attack, but this is a forum and we're a bunch of guys trying to break up the routine day to day.

So while its ok to put this out there, because the forum allows it, for free. People will continue think or respond how they wish. Again, I see the issue is an anomaly not the norm. Most of the time they are trolls that you see a thread blow up.
My $0.02 is its ok to raise the issue. But the issue is an anomaly not the norm. If there is a true issue with some folks or topics, then they should bring it up in PM with WOL or with a MOD.

To try to "change the forum" is a big task, and way overboard. I like the forum and have made a lot of friends here. Some folks maybe should ignore topics if they might take responses too personal. Not saying folks can't have opinions, but if an issue is getting heated, don't reply on a thread.

I got flamed about amber lights. I get flamed all the time about all kinds of stuff, but I hope it's nothing seriously personal. I could take it as an attack, but this is a forum and we're a bunch of guys trying to break up the routine day to day.

So while its ok to put this out there, because the forum allows it, for free. People will continue think or respond how they wish. Again, I see the issue is an anomaly not the norm. Most of the time they are trolls that you see a thread blow up.

Very well said!
First it's not my forum so I won't change anything. Second that response was halfway sarcastic but apparently your skin is as thick as a piece of paper.

Again I will ask (have never gotten an answer to this question), how come it's ok for you to say shit but when myself or any other mods respond the comments like 'and so it beings' and 'here we go' come out? Can you not take criticism?

Bring it on, I can take any criticism you or anyone else can can throw out there without my feelings getting hurt and I really didn't criticize any particular person, if you got your panties in a twist over whats being said then maybe you need to take a look within yourself, I don't know you personally and you don't know me but it's how you come across in this media that you will be judged by the public reading in this forum, if it drives people away, that's Eddies problem not mine and if the advertising dollars start going away because the members are going away then maybe he will have to change something, you guys can keep doing whatever you want, we were just try to give some constructive criticism which apparently you took as a personal attack, it was definitely not meant that way.
That's why I made this thread- I have no intention Of leaving, but don't want to be fake.

Fair enough but, being that this is really a matter of me and how I choose to run my forum, I do find it amusing that you chose to make this a thread rather than share your concerns directly by PM. Just keeping it real.

I have no problem with the honesty about all the products you support or don't- brutal honesty is what is needed to make a good forum. The only thing I seem to be finding Is just the brutal honesty comes with a touch of trash talking that sets people off. I'm just saying- why not just leave it at brutal honesty, and leave the trash talking out?

LOL!! Hang on, let's be brutally honest here for a sec. Just because you don't like what I may have to say about a product doesn't mean it's "trash talking" but even if it is, what do you or anyone really care? I mean, unless you have some kind of vested interest in the company in question, why would you care what anyone thinks about what you've chosen to buy and run on your Jeep? It's your money - your Jeep. :naw:
Bring it on, I can take any criticism you or anyone else can can throw out there without my feelings getting hurt and I really didn't criticize any particular person, if you got your panties in a twist over whats being said then maybe you need to take a look within yourself, I don't know you personally and you don't know me but it's how you come across in this media that you will be judged by the public reading in this forum, if it drives people away, that's Eddies problem not mine and if the advertising dollars start going away because the members are going away then maybe he will have to change something, you guys can keep doing whatever you want, we were just try to give some constructive criticism which apparently you took as a personal attack, it was definitely not meant that way.

You're right, this is my forum and it would be my problem and I find it curious that you've never sent me a PM or email to share your concerns and to offer your unsolicited constructive criticism. :naw:
Here is my 2cents... First your on a forum for the same reason to enjoy the jeep lifestyle we all know and love. When someone comes on here asking for advice on what parts they should use, or pics about a particular build you have to look at it all as opinion some have been around jeeps longer and have great input when it comes to advice.. Newbies as myself and others are just trying to get all the info we can so we can make our jeep into our own... Some are on a budget some have a lil more $$ to do more with. Who cares about what ones opinion. That's all it is. Is an opinion about a particular build, thread, problem or mod take it with a grain of salt and move on with the info given don't go all butt hurt cause you don't like what's being said. You asked for the info... Check your feelings at the door and move on. 0|||||||0

Thank you, apparently, you grew up in the same world that I did. :yup:

My $0.02 is its ok to raise the issue. But the issue is an anomaly not the norm. If there is a true issue with some folks or topics, then they should bring it up in PM with WOL or with a MOD.

To try to "change the forum" is a big task, and way overboard. I like the forum and have made a lot of friends here. Some folks maybe should ignore topics if they might take responses too personal. Not saying folks can't have opinions, but if an issue is getting heated, don't reply on a thread.

I got flamed about amber lights. I get flamed all the time about all kinds of stuff, but I hope it's nothing seriously personal. I could take it as an attack, but this is a forum and we're a bunch of guys trying to break up the routine day to day.

So while its ok to put this out there, because the forum allows it, for free. People will continue think or respond how they wish. Again, I see the issue is an anomaly not the norm. Most of the time they are trolls that you see a thread blow up.

Thank you JAGS.
Bring it on, I can take any criticism you or anyone else can can throw out there without my feelings getting hurt and I really didn't criticize any particular person, if you got your panties in a twist over whats being said then maybe you need to take a look within yourself, I don't know you personally and you don't know me but it's how you come across in this media that you will be judged by the public reading in this forum, if it drives people away, that's Eddies problem not mine and if the advertising dollars start going away because the members are going away then maybe he will have to change something, you guys can keep doing whatever you want, we were just try to give some constructive criticism which apparently you took as a personal attack, it was definitely not meant that way.

So calling moderators "junior high school girls" is constructive criticism?
You're right, this is my forum and it would be my problem and I find it curious that you've never sent me a PM or email to share your concerns and to offer your unsolicited constructive criticism. :naw:

Actually I apologize for not PMing you first and having the conversation in private, but I didn't start this thread I just chimed in to show some support for the person that had the balls to start the thread knowing full well where this could go and turn on him. I like all of the people here, there is a wealth of valuable information available and some great advice, I just don't want to see it go downhill as I'm sure you don't as well.
Bring it on,

The rest you said after this I didn't even read. You went on the attack. This is about changing things, it about you being right. And you'll still wonder people come back at this post. Folks on here will defend the forum and their friends.

You are going about this the wrong way, but of course, you knew that going in and probably wanted to be a tough guy???
I thoroughly enjoy the information on this forum. Very great place to find quality information. However, just yesterday a fellow keeper in my unit came up to me and said "a Wayalife sticker? Really? You know they are the tools of the jeep community right" I responded with "there are great people and great information on the form, but I have seen where people have responded more harshly than necessary" I didn't like the opinion he had about Wayalife, but he's entitled to it. I would of course like it better if there wasn't that stereotype out there.

The rest you said after this I didn't even read. You went on the attack. This is about changing things, it about you being right. And you'll still wonder people come back at this post. Folks on here will defend the forum and their friends.

You are going about this the wrong way, but of course, you knew that going in and probably wanted to be a tough guy???

Guess you should have read the rest of the post then
Usually my butt only gets sore from a great trail ride... For these guys it's some opinionated comments... Maybe some people should hit the trail literally
I find it hilarious that not a person gave two fucks when you (Eddie) was personally attacked for the last couple years. All because we did our best to keep a clean "friendly" environment on the forum and kept shit bag vendors off the forum.

Now that we call these people out on the forum, to be more transparent (I hate that word). We are the assholes?
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I thoroughly enjoy the information on this forum. Very great place to find quality information. However, just yesterday a fellow keeper in my unit came up to me and said "a Wayalife sticker? Really? You know they are the tools of the jeep community right" I responded with "there are great people and great information on the form, but I have seen where people have responded more harshly than necessary" I didn't like the opinion he had about Wayalife, but he's entitled to it. I would of course like it better if there wasn't that stereotype out there.


I find it funny that people have such extreme review about a forum. When I see another Jeep, I don't judge the person based on the stickers he has. BFD. I wave just the same.
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