What age did you start wheelin??

RockIt Man

Hope this is not a repeat post....

So I took the wife out wheeling today and had an awesome time. However, we have a 3 month old son and decided to drop him off at the sitter for the day.

Just wondering... At what age do most of you folks take your kiddos out on the trails?

I'm sure it varies depending on if you're making a day run or a week long road trip, but what other factors might you consider..?

Send me your thoughts
We have taken our kids since day one, not real wheelin but out in the bush up old logging roads. My son is almost three now, he comes out with me almost every trip, he loves it and loves watching the wayalife videos, now he asks if we can do the rubicon trail:) I told him if the jeeps ready we can go next summer.

If you don't push the limits how do you find them??
Took our youngest out when he was 11 months old, but just to The local SVRA and kept to the easy trails. I've taken my 4 year old on 3 trips on top of that one.
The very first thing I ever drove was my dads sand rail. I was 5. I was always into wheeling off and on after that. Then I wanted to go fast so I bought a '76 Camaro. Built it, sold it. Got back into wheeling with a K5 Blazer. Built it, sold it. Then my '98 GMC, built it sold it. Now.. I got my JK. In the process of building it, but I just dont think I would ever be able to allow myself to sell it. As my name says, Im hooked!

Paratroopers stay up longer!
I was about 10 tried it once, scared the hell out of me to where I never liked going off road again. Until I started driving then I grew into loveing it. :thumb:
First memories were being scared shitless at about 8 in my dads Bronco on 35's. Then loving every minute of it. My big bro rolled that puppy (with me in it) when I was about 10.

I was 21 when I bought my first Jeep (ZJ) and traded that in for a TJ when I was 25, bought a JK a year ago and I've wheeled each Jeep I've had. But seems to get more addicting as you go. 👍
I first bought a jeep 5 years ago when I was 20. The minute I took it to show my parents the first thing my dad said was " I always knew you were going to get a jeep"... He then started telling me stories that when I was a kid, he would take us fishing. He said I was more interested in the mountains and trying to wonder off in the trees with my RC truck I took with me everywhere rather than sit and fish at the lake. At the time my dad had a bronco. He said at 5 years old I would be sitting in the back and ask him to drive up steep hills I would see. He said when it snowed. I wasn't the kid that wanted to go spledding and make a snow man. I would want to go with my dad driving in the snow. Instead of wanting to play toys and spend the night at a friends house on the weekend, i wanted to go fishing in the mountains... Since I got my License, I've always been fascinated with exploring, nothing gets me more excited than venturing into a place I never been. And I thank my dad for this. Him taking me up to the mountains as a very young kid has made me who I am today. I love my life, glad I do what I do and glad I have the perfect Vehicle to take me to these places. Being the adventurer I am has helped me be successful as I'm not afraid to take chances and see what's next.

My advice to you. Get em started early! They'll thank you in the long run!
Thx for this thread. The Avatar was taken just after our son's first wheelin' trip to the San Juans in 1976. Is he hooked or what? It was back in the day before good child restraint seats. We had a Gerry backpack style child carrier with fold out legs. The Jeep had 4 inch 3-point racing harnesses we'd loop through the legs of the carrier mounted btwn the seats. He loved it. He'd sleep through some tough going or squeal with delight if he was awake. I'd be arrested today if I got pulled over with that set up, but a new "wheeler" was born.
I started way too late in life, always wanted a jeep tho but never went to look at one untill this year. I am 25 now. No previous offroad expierance at all, mainly was into being low and slow for a long time with vws and bmw. After my first trip tho I was hooked. If I ever have kids I will deffintily be taking them along as soon as I can.
I started with my first truck when I was 16, mostly mud but always loved trails, I used to think Jeeps were stupid till my wife wanted one and I drug home and restored a 74 CJ5 for her and I was hooked. Had 6 other Jeeps since.

My son has been going with me since he was 6 and thats when we really started wheeling again, He has been driving my Jeep on easy stuff since he was 10.
I went wheeling with my buddy and his brother and dad when I was about 9. First time I had ever been offroad and his dad rolled the silverado we were in haha nothing too crazy but just had a little too much angle and flopped on its side. I loved the adrenaline rush and I've loved it ever since. Got my JK as my first car a little over 4 years ago when I was 16 and took it out to the trails with about 30 miles on it. It's been a work in progress ever since.
I've always been a passenger . first time was in the 80's and it was always mudin. First time driving and crawling was a few months ago at 43 and my kids had there own jeeps. I wish I had a jeep when they were little but we had mini vans. Most every day of the week and weekends were sport related.
That's for sure I hope it's nothing this time haha I'm gonna do an oil change and tire rotation before we go up...
23. But!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time to ever go wheeling was on the RUBICON. The crazy part was we broke a tie rod and ad no help and were stranded for 2 days! Finally a jeep with a onboard welder came by and we soon got on our way.
Started wheeling with a buddy in his Comanche when I was 15 and that sparked the Jeep hunger that persists today.
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