Wave from Summerfield, NC


New member
Hey Dudes and Dudettes!

I'm Cody, been jeepin' for a while and lovin' on the Wayalife vids and builds.
Just found the forum because im somewhat lazy at times and dont surf the net like a good jeeper should....but i'm here now! so heyyyy!!!

a little info on the rig:

2010 2dr JK Rubi
2.5" terflex lift
35" nitto mud grapplers
various other goodies and whatnots and whathaveyou's
wheel it like a boss!

anyways, thanks for letting me in! glad to be here and hope to make some new friends and learn things :D

got any questions then just throw 'em my way!

-Cody :rock:
Welcome! My father-in-law lives in Greensboro!


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using the Wayalife mobile app
Small world :D nice city though, I work in gboro

sent from my talkitty box

Yes it is. My wife was born in Winston-Salem. Before we were swept away by the Army, we used to visit her grandparents there several times a year. Then, when her dad moved from Eden, NC to G'boro, we were convinced we'd wind up moving there when we retired. That was many years ago. Our minds have changed. :)
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