Wave from Siegen (Germany)


New member
Hey at all from Siegen (Germany)

My name is eddy,
i bought at 2010 an nearly stock YJ
...sure only for convertible driving in the summertime.

In the second month i visit an Jeep-wheeling-weekend and i had the chance
to be an passenger in a Jeep from a guy from my city.

So i was infected by the jeepvirus, after this Weekend
i dont want more to be an City-Jeeper

Now, years are gone ... my YJ get an CJ-front- and dashboard-swap,
33" Malatesta-Tyres, an 4,5" lift, 2" Bodylift and much homemade stuff
like boomerang Shackles, Tyre-Carrier, Rockslider, Bumper and Winch Mount,
and go only out for wheeling






My next projekts are an rear axle swap to 8.8 and an extension for the roll cage


And the jeepvirus !?... do the best he can !
Last year i bought another Jeep. An TJ, just for my wife ... you know ;)
... with 2" lift and 31" Cooper STT ... of course only for street cruising :D




I look forward to learning more and having fun here with everyone :thumb:
Welcome to the wayalife family! I love that pic of the Yj/CJ almost going over! I've watched that happen a few times.. "Turn into it and go!!"ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1411074116.601531.jpg

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
Wow, cool - I speak at a conference every May in Seigen - beautiful city.
My son worked in Seigen for 5 years and our grand-daughter was born there, he now lives and works in Bristol, England.
Maybe I'll see you next May!
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