Wave from Arizona


New member
What's up guys. Long time lurker here. Bought my '14 rubicon last April while stationed at barksdale afb louisiana. Shortly after, I was moved out to Luke in Phoenix AZ, so that worked out pretty good for me. I just switched over to the reserves and now reside in prescott valley where I'm planning on starting helicopter flight school. Unfortunately I will have to use my imagination to see a modded Rubi in the driveway until the wife gets a job.

But anyways, cheers guys. Have a good one!
Welcome to WayaLife and to Arizona!!!! Moved to Prescott at the perfect time of the year! You'll need to hook up with Firecrew1 and we'll come up there to hit some of the local trails. :thumb::thumb:
Hello from Maricopa! The move from MN is finally complete. Starting to get settled in, now I need to find time to get a lay of the land.
hey, welcome from Prescott. we'll have to get together and hit the local trails

are you going to go through guidance for training?
That was the original plan, but due to changes to the gi bill guidance isn't looking too good because they don't meet certain qualifications. So I will most likely be going to north aire for fixed wing.
Welcome! Another Prescott Valley resident here, and a former Guidance Aviation/YC student. I went through to instrument semester and took a break to work as a helicopter a&p mech on a state dept contract in Kabul, Afghanistan. I was hoping to go back to school at guidance in January but I'll have to see what happens with this va crap. I was just home for a month but am in Dubai on my way back to work for another 60 day rotation.

Had to find ya and say hello and welcome.....made me laugh and spit out my chocolate milk when I saw your reply to my post.......had to pay ya a visit! WELCOME!!
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