VIDEO : Horsepower | Brett Rheeder


Staff member
Not exactly what you'd expect with a title like "Horsepower" but, I think you'll enjoy the badass riding that you'll see in this video just the same. check it out...

Cherry Creek is a small community within the interior region of British Columbia. While it was first discovered in the 1800's and stripped of its gold, Brett Rheeder made his stake on the land creating a unique hay bale slope style course. Teaming up with Mind Spark Cinema, Brett brings you his latest video, "Horsepower"
Man what a nice video find, I love seeing these......but it also makes me think how much I hate getting older because the kid in me still wants to go out attempt stuff like this!
Man what a nice video find, I love seeing these......but it also makes me think how much I hate getting older because the kid in me still wants to go out attempt stuff like this!

:cheesy: I know, right?! Although, all I can think of is how much it hurts to fall now and worse, how much longer it takes to heal :icon_crazy:

Amazing what people can do. :thumb:

No kidding. When I saw the title of this video, I was expecting to see something about engines but was so blown away with what this kid can do with a bike. :crazyeyes:
to be young and fearless again!!

over the years recovery times have gone from minutes to hours to days and what used to cause those recovery times went from "that was awesome!" to "I was sleeping, how the hell did I hurt myself sleeping?!" :naw:
Great Video, If you ever get a chance to see this type of thing in person do so! It is even more spectacular when you are right there. I was lucky enough to be at Woodward West this weekend for a closed event and in addition they where shooting some video in the Hanger with the bigger bikes and it was off the hook :rock: Flips Flares and Whips are one thing but @ 2:12 in this video I was blown away. :thumb: Probably not the hardest trick out there but by far the most stylish and hair raising.
Great video. That course was awesome! Sad to say I think my son is closer to Rheeder's age than I.
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