Upcoming Trip: 2015 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run 01/03/15

Hey there stock Jeeps, we found a little watercrossing aftermath and wanted to mention it here to give you a heads up to check the area where your jack is stored. It's a good idea to drain it so it doesn't start to smell funny. 

View attachment 117779.

I found a fish swimming in there once. I keep the drain plugs out of those areas all the time now. :shock:

Hey there stock Jeeps, we found a little watercrossing aftermath and wanted to mention it here to give you a heads up to check the area where your jack is stored. It's a good idea to drain it so it doesn't start to smell funny. 

Thanks for the reminder. I am not really stock but it never hurts to check. My '07 had water there when I bought it, it's not a good smell to have. I also just remembered I need to make sure my differential vent tubes are still attached.
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Just started going through the pics and WOW, you guys really took some great ones!! :clap2: If there are more of you out there who have pics to share, please post them up. :thumb:

On a side note, I hope you don't mind but I removed the Gaia track link. I apologize for not saying anything about this sooner but, posting up tracks on the internet is kind of bad form and something I normally ask people NOT to do. If you wish to share what you have with others by PM or email, that's fine by me but I would be grateful if you kept any links to them off the forum if nothing else. I realize that none of what we did is a secret or that people couldn't figure out how to do what we did but, I would prefer to make them work for it. I hope you can be understanding of the fact that I have seen way too much of what I love out in the desert destroyed since the advent of the internet and I really want to do anything I can to help preserve it just a bit longer.

Amen to that Eddie!

Thank you.

I recorded the entire thing on a dashcam, here is basically the whole day in 3 minutes! It only messed up once and skipped a section for perhaps 30-40 minutes.
It's in 720p but Youtube is horrible with the compression on such a fast video.

A few pictures my girlfriend took, also:





And of course the heroic return of the lost members from beyond the horizon :D
Just got home and man am I ever beat!!

Thank you everyone for coming out to the 2015 New Year Kick Off Run. Cindy and I had a blast with all of you at Buffalo Bills and on the trail. We so hope you enjoyed yourselves and truly appreciate your patience as I know it was a long day out. We also hope that you will join us again for future runs and will look forward to seeing then.


Thanks so much Eddie, great Run, so many great people, can't wait for the next one!!
First of all the Thanks -

Eddie and Cindy of course for setting it up and providing the medium to bring so many cool folks together.
Carl and Doug for Bartending! :beer:
The Wades for answering Questions and honest Jeep Speak. :rock:
The Pit crew for the Tire Change - I believe we only had one!
The new comers and new Jeep owners - I know this could have been intimidating with so many hard core rigs and so many different levels of experience - You all did great! :thumb:
And of course the Regulars with the VHF's keeping us all in line and moving!

Well done to all!

The group from Norcal and Oregon and my self arrived a day early to goof off and catch up. We decided to do a easy trail up to the Colosseum Pit mine. Still had a little snow on the ground and was just a beautiful day.

Here are some pics - I tried to show scale in my photos as there will be plenty of the sights from others!

Headed over the first mountain via a power line road
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Still some snow on the ground
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We drove to the bottom of this giant Pit Mine
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Here is one to show a little scale
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Looking back up to the top - The little dot right of center is MaJelln taking our pic
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Starting to arrive Saturday morning
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Getting lined up
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First Stop the Lava Tube - The line of Jeeps was massive
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Only the front 3rd of the line
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This was from the middleish in the pack
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Lunch break
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Gratuitous WOL Shot!
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Had a Blast as usual! :rock:

Great shots, and great seeing you again Brandon! Stoked to meet you and can't wait for a NorCal trip once I move!! 😄👍
Great shots so far everyone! thanks for letting me experience this trip thru them! keep em comin :rock::rock::rock:
I recorded the entire thing on a dashcam, here is basically the whole day in 3 minutes! It only messed up once and skipped a section for perhaps 30-40 minutes.
It's in 720p but Youtube is horrible with the compression on such a fast video.

Since we were directly in front of you most of the trip I sure appreciate you posting this film and pictures - thanks so much.
Nice to meet you and we hope to be in front of you again on another trip! :clap2:
Thanks Eddie and Cindy and everyone for that matter. It was great to meet those we could. Oh and some photos to contribute.
Finally got back after a long long long drive back to Colorado. Over 11000 feet of altitude changes can wipe a guy out that's for sure. I want to thank everyone for an incredible weekend. I have a few pictures I will be posting up here as soon as I can shake the dust out of ........... everything.
Just got around to looking at the pics. They're great everyone!

It was nice meeting the new folks and seeing all of the old friends too.
Thanks Eddie for putting this together.
Take care.
Since we were directly in front of you most of the trip I sure appreciate you posting this film and pictures - thanks so much.
Nice to meet you and we hope to be in front of you again...

Are you bragging about your rear end again pastor? :crazyeyes: :eek:
Defenitly a lot of fun! Glad I could make it. Was great catching up with people and meeting lots of new folks too!!!

Here are a few of the better pics i got.

Pastor... hope i didnt kick up any rocks! Tried to stay easy on the gas!
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