Transmission fluid temp

You can get a plate and fin trans cooler for around $50 or a tube and fin for around $25 off amazon. Hayden or B&M.
Another problem I noticed was my engine temp. It was in the 225 range. So this morning before heading out I started a custom program on the trail dash. I looked at my fan parameters and they were set to turn the fan on low speed at 210 degrees. Medium speed at 220 and high speed at 225. I don't like engine temp to get over 210 on any engine I'm running. So I changed things up. My fan starts at low speed at 195, medium at 200, and high speed at 205. The fan runs a lot more but that stopped my tranny and engine overheat problems. My tranny barely broke 190 for a short time, and I was in 4H most of the day.
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