This will be my last post here as sometimes the shoe just doesn't fit

oh man ease up there genius or do those rights cease to exist on this forum and all of you followers?

It's a private forum. Your right to be here is given by the administrators of said forum and can be revoked at any point in time. Is that difficult for you to understand?
It's a private forum. Your right to be here is given by the administrators of said forum and can be revoked at any point in time. Is that difficult for you to understand?
not at all. I understand fully. FYI there smart guy. They have not taken that right away have they? might want to go back to what ever it was you were doing before you came into my thread and made us all a little dumber....
You don't say? Could you explain to me how it applies to private property and when it becomes harrassment?

Oh let me step on this land mine.... the only ones harassing anyone are you jackholes that keep coming into this thread and harassing me.....I am not seeking out the owners of this forum on every post or thread. I am in here on my thread that I started. It can be deleted
any time the owners want it deleted. Hell they already changed the name and location of the thread.
Oh let me step on this land mine.... the only ones harassing anyone are you jackholes that keep coming into this thread and harassing me.....I am not seeking out the owners of this forum on every post or thread. I am in here on my thread that I started. It can be deleted
any time the owners want it deleted. Hell they already changed the name and location of the thread.

No need to start throwing insults. I was just curious.
really does that apply to everyone?

I'm confused by your question. All I said was that there was no need for insults. You were being a terrible troll so I figured I'd indulge you, maybe even see why you were so upset. Then you turn around and call me a jackhole. That hurts. :(
I'm confused by your question. All I said was that there was no need for insults. You were being a terrible troll so I figured I'd indulge you, maybe even see why you were so upset. Then you turn around and call me a jackhole. That hurts. :(
oh im sorry.

lets see my thread and I am a "terrible troll"
see you just set yourself up with the other idiots. Darn right when I thought we had a real thinker in this thread:yawn37:
definition of a troll

One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.

sounds a lot like what Overlander did on this thread...... so at least get it right!
oh im sorry.

lets see my thread and I am a "terrible troll"
see you just set yourself up with the other idiots. Darn right when I thought we had a real thinker in this thread:yawn37:

I can see that I've upset you and I'm so sorry. I though we were making a connection and reaching some sort understanding.
I apologize if holding you to your word is "piling on" to you. I didn't think I was being hurtful. I guess I was raised different. My bad. #hugsallday
whatever dude..there are a lot of people in this thread that have not honored their word. so go bug them
whatever dude..there are a lot of people in this thread that have not honored their word. so go bug them

I wasn't questioning your word. I didn't mention anything about you saying you were going to leave, after allowing other members to get under your skin.
not at all. I understand fully. FYI there smart guy. They have not taken that right away have they? might want to go back to what ever it was you were doing before you came into my thread and made us all a little dumber....

Simply stating a fact. You obviously have no desire to be an actual contributing member here, so yes, I will go back to enjoying my family.
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