The Stingray Returns

I have owned and raced several corvettes, the body design on the late models were a love/hate relationship for me. The interiors were especially harsh for the money you would spend on one. It was always about performance for me with corvettes, no greater bang for the buck on the planet :thumb: I truly hope the version that makes it to dealer floors is really close to this.
Hmmmm? Interesting. I wonder what the price point will be if they release it. At what age do I get to buy a midlife crisis car?
Its a midlife crisis car ... only old white haired men drive them. Don’t believe me? Start watching and you will see! :crazyeyes:

I'm beyond midlife crisis and a hellufa lot closer to afterlife creases but I'd still love to drive that Vette. Wow!
Smh some people aren't meant for that much power haha I'm more of a Mopar person myself but that looks cool

Oh man! :grayno:

But I have to say, even wrecked that thing looks bad ass! What is the MSRP on these?
after buying a sports car a while back I realized this thing just isn't practical and only people I see driving one is people with visor caps and bluehairs impressing the ladys that are out for their money ! if that makes you happy well good luck id rather drive a beat up foed:thumb:

Got to disagree here. I'd love nothing more than a nice sports car to add to the collection (and by collection I mean 2 vehicles :cheesy: ). I do not own a visor or have no hair, let alone blue my lady already has all my money! :cheesy:

I'd prefer a convertible though. I've been a porsche fan all my life, but something about this stingray is appealing. Maybe it's the ability to actually store some luggage in it (assuming it's like a typical vette).

Regardless, neither is in my budget right now so, like many other cars, it's just a pipe dream at this point. :grayno:
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Oh man! :grayno:

But I have to say, even wrecked that thing looks bad ass! What is the MSRP on these?

I did a quick google search and its $59k estimated also found that its supposed to have 450hp and get 29mpg hwy :O
I did a quick google search and its $59k estimated also found that its supposed to have 450hp and get 29mpg hwy :O

Hmmm...suppose I could have done that. Thanks! That's not as bad as I would have expected. Not sure what a normal vette goes for. But still...too rich for my blood. :naw:
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