The Kumbaya thread...


Caught the Bug
I debated on title of this thread, but I just wanted to have an extra safe place for some people to be able to post. While IMHO most members on here have a good sense of humor and enjoy the back and forth bantering that is done in good humor, I realize there are others who are, shall we say, thinner skinned, emotional heightened and generally more sensitive.

Therefore, I would like this thread to be all about positive and helpful affirmations for those that need it. Of course, the sub forum rules already state that this is to be a friendly place...I just felt the need to have an "extra-super-duper-friendly place." :thumb:

Feel free to post daily affirmations, poems, flower pictures and the like. To get the ball rolling...

I'd like to send a big :grouphug: out to all my wayalife family!

Enjoy. Peace be with you. Namaste.
:eek:mg: I'm offended.

Perhaps if you open up a little and explain why it is you are offended we can help. But first, let me just say that I thoroughly enjoy you not just as a moderator, but as a member here too. Thank you for being here. :yup:
Perhaps if you open up a little and explain why it is you are offended we can help. But first, let me just say that I thoroughly enjoy you not just as a moderator, but as a member here too. Thank you for being here. :yup:

Ithinner skinned, emotional heightened and generally more sensitive.

I feel that you could have called out the forum wussies in a little more politically correct way without such a harsh edge. But it's OK now. I will soon find my happy place. :fingerscrossed: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I feel that you could have called out the forum wussies in a little more politically correct way without such a harsh edge. But it's OK now. I will soon find my happy place. :fingerscrossed: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

See brother Robar...the dark energy you have built up on the inside is making you view the world with such negativity. You automatically assumed that being thinned skinned, emotionally heightened and sensitive as being negative attributes. However many would argue, that in today's modern society those traits should be celebrated. However, if my words have offended thee, please accept my humblest apologies. How about I treat you to a soy macchiato when we have the good fortune to meet?
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I'm all for the group hug MTG, so long as your in the middle! Please I mean no offense.
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This thread deserves a gold star. Certainly for creating such a warm and fuzzy place I nominate you for this weeks citizenship award. Additionally I would like to propose that we hand out a weekly gold star to people that are truly deserving for taking the high road and not participating in any douchebaggery or other such shenanigans.


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See brother Robar...the dark energy you have built up on the inside is making you view the word with such negativity. You automatically assumed that being thinned skinned, emotionally heightened and sensitive as being negative attributes. However many would argue, that in today's modern society those traits should be celebrated. However, if my words have offended thee, please accept my humblest apologies. How about I treat you to a soy macchiato when we have the good fortune to meet?
Offer accepted. May every loser get a trophy.
After a long day at work, I know now I can come up, open my phone or computer, find this thread....and everything will be OK. Thank you Mr. MTG for such thoughtfulness and consideration for others you hardly know and many you have never met. Your generous heart is filled with tenderness and joy that most are envious of. May you too be blessed with the warmth of the sun, the tenderness of a cloud and the embrace of teddy bear hug. :blush:

I found this quote from George Harrison to be spiritually inspiring.

“From the Hindu point of view each soul is divine. All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn’t matter what you call Him just as long as you call. Just as cinematic images appear to be real but are only combinations of light and shade, so is the universal variety a delusion. The planetary spheres, with their countless forms of life, are naught but figures in a cosmic motion picture. One’s values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture and that not in, but beyond, lies his own ultimate reality.”

(George Harrison)
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