TEXAS: Meet ups/crawling/adventures

Alright guys, i made a date for the trip. As a unanimous decision. We are going to make this trip at Wolf Caves. The date i thought would be best for all will be, most likely everyones 3 day weekend. Which will be July 4th weekend. Dates will be July 2-3. That we everyone can make it back home to celebrate the 4th.
As much as i would like to get there on Friday, July the 1st. I probably wont be able to. But if some you guys can make it that Friday to start wheeling or to be ready for the morning. More power to you :thumb:

Now ive never been to WC but i would imagine it will be plenty of off camber/big rocks. So i would probably advise no stock rigs to go, but if you dont mind undercarriage hits and getting hung up. Come on with it.
I would also advise to bring a cooler with drinks to keep hydrated, something to shade your head, and some sunblock since it will be a hot one. I always carry extra drinks just incase :thumb:

Going list:
1)Texas Nick


Good luck everyone
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Bummer! I have to work Sat., Sun., & Mon. or I would definitely go. I LOVE Wolf Caves!!!! Hopefully you will plan another trip?[emoji120]🏻

Put me down as tentative. Assuming I make it back from Stillwater Ranch this weekend unscathed and get permission from the boss I may be able to make a day trip.

I'll be at Stillwaters on Sat., as well -- maybe we'll run into each other[emoji4]
Bummer! I have to work Sat., Sun., & Mon. or I would definitely go. I LOVE Wolf Caves!!!! Hopefully you will plan another trip?[emoji120]🏻

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Nice! Wasnt aware you had been. But yes im still on the fence whether im going to do it or not. Just need to see how the weather fairs till then.
But yes, there will always be another one!

Make sure to take some pics from stillwater! Sounds like fun :thumb:
Nice! Wasnt aware you had been. But yes im still on the fence whether im going to do it or not. Just need to see how the weather fairs till then.
But yes, there will always be another one!

Make sure to take some pics from stillwater! Sounds like fun :thumb:

Unfortunately, I might have to sit out the Stillwaters run[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]🤕🤒

I drove the Jeep up, instead of trailering (A/C compressor went out on the Dodge), and when I was exiting for gas, at my usual higher speed and brake at the last minute fashion, the Jeep started driving like a$& and the brakes were making a funky ratcheting sound on the right. Pulled into the gas station, heard a intermittent hissing sound from the right passenger side, and then shortly thereafter, the tire was flat, flatter, and FLAT!

Bolt came out of the caliper!!!![emoji33] and the caliper jimmied up into the rim, and sliced into the center of the rim, all the way around, cutting full-thickness in areas, and almost all the way in half[emoji85]. So now I don't have a spare.

Of course, the usual drama at the dealership (Beeville) -- "Oh, you're from out,of town..you're traveling....you need this right away: Oh, this can't be covered under warranty, and oh, the $465 rim (without the center/hub piece) that you, girlie, shouldn't have any knowledge of the price, is a $700 rim and it will be a total of $874 to install; or, you can pay $190, that includes $17 for the $3 bolt. Of course, there would be an extra charge if you want us to actually inspect the caliper/brake system and/or look at the driver side!

Unfortunately, I might have to sit out the Stillwaters run[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]洛裸

I drove the Jeep up, instead of trailering (A/C compressor went out on the Dodge), and when I was exiting for gas, at my usual higher speed and brake at the last minute fashion, the Jeep started driving like a$& and the brakes were making a funky ratcheting sound on the right. Pulled into the gas station, heard a intermittent hissing sound from the right passenger side, and then shortly thereafter, the tire was flat, flatter, and FLAT!

Bolt came out of the caliper!!!![emoji33] and the caliper jimmied up into the rim, and sliced into the center of the rim, all the way around, cutting full-thickness in areas, and almost all the way in half[emoji85]. So now I don't have a spare.

Of course, the usual drama at the dealership (Beeville) -- "Oh, you're from out,of town..you're traveling....you need this right away: Oh, this can't be covered under warranty, and oh, the $465 rim (without the center/hub piece) that you, girlie, shouldn't have any knowledge of the price, is a $700 rim and it will be a total of $874 to install; or, you can pay $190, that includes $17 for the $3 bolt. Of course, there would be an extra charge if you want us to actually inspect the caliper/brake system and/or look at the driver side!


Who did the brakes last? And how long ago?
That's the million-dollar question (or at least $874)!!!!!

I bought the Jeep Memorial Day weekend last year. The lift install was done a few months later, in August of 2015. I had no issues with the brakes that I was aware of, except my extended brake line position (getting close to the shocks and a small area where the outer protective of the line got chewed.

Starting in January and going through March of this year, I noticed I would sometimes have a little difficulty shifting 4Hi and then I started having a hard time getting out of "1" into "D" or shifting to higher gears while off-roading. I just figured I was doing something wrong. Eventually it began to happen more frequently, and I was sometimes having to stop and put into P or N first. Then my brake light would start coming on for a short period. First while off-roading, especially when using the e-brake. But then I would notice it would often occur after when I would brake on an incline or a decline. The odd thing was it would not usually not come back on, even with braking on another incline or a decline, if the vehicle did not get turned off.

When the brake light started coming on, I took it to the dealership. After waiting for 3-1/2 hours, I was i formed that they "could not reproduce the problem" ("But did you drive it? take it to an incline or decline? Because I haven't seen the Jeep go out?......"Yeah, No, we didn't take it for a test drive....but that's the information the technician gave me.") and that the computer was "not giving any codes." "Just bring it back to us if it happens again, and you will have to leave it overnight."

Of course, leaving the dealership, the brake light comes on. Brought it back a couple of days later. "Probably something with the sensor -- the computer thinks the brakes are on, so it won't let you change gears." Later: "We checked everything out...." (I don't know if that included the actual brakes/calipers -- Imdid ask them to check the brakes and e-brake, because I was concerned about failure while off-roading, since that was when the light first started coming on.). "We couldn't find anything, but it must be the sensor, so we did some adjustments. Bring it back if it happens again."

And, of course, the light was back on in the morning. This was now right before my trip to Moab for EJS, so with fingers crossed I headed to Utah. While in Moab, I got a "Change Oil Soon" message. Thought to myself: "would 1500 more miles still be considered 'soon?'" Question got answered a couple of days later, with a new "change oil now" message. Went to an oil change place in town (super, super awesome!!! Those guys really new their rigs; badass rigs were pulling in left and right; one guy had his sleeping daughter in his rig on the station and my Dobe was in mine in the next station; allowed to walk all over the place; etc., etc.). Checked all my fluids and changed what needed to be changed. "Hey, would you mind checking my brake fluid for me? I'm sure it's fine, because I have had it checked dealer's a couple of times, but I keep getting a Brake light error." "Oh, yeah, it's pretty low....let me add a little for you." Magic!!![emoji95] No more light.

Sorry for the long answer! But any insight anyone can provide would be great. Just seems lime such a critical bolt shouldn't be so easy to fall out. Really, I don't know how I was so fortunate that the bolt fell out while I was exiting, that no one was around me to be hit, and that I was close to civilization. Less than a minute earlier, I was doing 85 with semis, trailers, and cars all around.
Jebus!!! Im glad that youre okay! That could of been a freakin doozy to say the least! I know i would of crapped myself had i felt/seen that.

Whenever i was replacing my wheel hubs. That bolt was pretty damn tight on there from the factory. So if it was messed with and torqued tight back to spec and loctite put on there. Should of been no reason for that bolt to even come loose. freak accidents do happen, but im willing to bet 99% it was who ever was the last person to mess with them.
Jebus!!! Im glad that youre okay! That could of been a freakin doozy to say the least! I know i would of crapped myself had i felt/seen that.

Whenever i was replacing my wheel hubs. That bolt was pretty damn tight on there from the factory. So if it was messed with and torqued tight back to spec and loctite put on there. Should of been no reason for that bolt to even come loose. freak accidents do happen, but im willing to bet 99% it was who ever was the last person to mess with them.


And, I think you're right. I just don't know who is the "who????"
That's the million-dollar question (or at least $874)!!!!!

I bought the Jeep Memorial Day weekend last year. The lift install was done a few months later, in August of 2015. I had no issues with the brakes that I was aware of, except my extended brake line position (getting close to the shocks and a small area where the outer protective of the line got chewed.

Starting in January and going through March of this year, I noticed I would sometimes have a little difficulty shifting 4Hi and then I started having a hard time getting out of "1" into "D" or shifting to higher gears while off-roading. I just figured I was doing something wrong. Eventually it began to happen more frequently, and I was sometimes having to stop and put into P or N first. Then my brake light would start coming on for a short period. First while off-roading, especially when using the e-brake. But then I would notice it would often occur after when I would brake on an incline or a decline. The odd thing was it would not usually not come back on, even with braking on another incline or a decline, if the vehicle did not get turned off.

When the brake light started coming on, I took it to the dealership. After waiting for 3-1/2 hours, I was i formed that they "could not reproduce the problem" ("But did you drive it? take it to an incline or decline? Because I haven't seen the Jeep go out?......"Yeah, No, we didn't take it for a test drive....but that's the information the technician gave me.") and that the computer was "not giving any codes." "Just bring it back to us if it happens again, and you will have to leave it overnight."

Of course, leaving the dealership, the brake light comes on. Brought it back a couple of days later. "Probably something with the sensor -- the computer thinks the brakes are on, so it won't let you change gears." Later: "We checked everything out...." (I don't know if that included the actual brakes/calipers -- Imdid ask them to check the brakes and e-brake, because I was concerned about failure while off-roading, since that was when the light first started coming on.). "We couldn't find anything, but it must be the sensor, so we did some adjustments. Bring it back if it happens again."

And, of course, the light was back on in the morning. This was now right before my trip to Moab for EJS, so with fingers crossed I headed to Utah. While in Moab, I got a "Change Oil Soon" message. Thought to myself: "would 1500 more miles still be considered 'soon?'" Question got answered a couple of days later, with a new "change oil now" message. Went to an oil change place in town (super, super awesome!!! Those guys really new their rigs; badass rigs were pulling in left and right; one guy had his sleeping daughter in his rig on the station and my Dobe was in mine in the next station; allowed to walk all over the place; etc., etc.). Checked all my fluids and changed what needed to be changed. "Hey, would you mind checking my brake fluid for me? I'm sure it's fine, because I have had it checked dealer's a couple of times, but I keep getting a Brake light error." "Oh, yeah, it's pretty low....let me add a little for you." Magic!!![emoji95] No more light.

Sorry for the long answer! But any insight anyone can provide would be great. Just seems lime such a critical bolt shouldn't be so easy to fall out. Really, I don't know how I was so fortunate that the bolt fell out while I was exiting, that no one was around me to be hit, and that I was close to civilization. Less than a minute earlier, I was doing 85 with semis, trailers, and cars all around.

Wow. That first dealer sounds like a bunch of jackasses. Either way, if no one has messed with those brakes recently, maybe the last person who did (a while ago) had finger-tightened it but never torqued it and it's been slowly working its way out. There is no reason to take that bolt off for a brake inspection though. Glad you and everyone around you is safe. FYI, you may be able to find a cheaper rim on CL.
Wow. That first dealer sounds like a bunch of jackasses. Either way, if no one has messed with those brakes recently, maybe the last person who did (a while ago) had finger-tightened it but never torqued it and it's been slowly working its way out. There is no reason to take that bolt off for a brake inspection though. Glad you and everyone around you is safe. FYI, you may be able to find a cheaper rim on CL.

Wow. That first dealer sounds like a bunch of jackasses. Either way, if no one has messed with those brakes recently, maybe the last person who did (a while ago) had finger-tightened it but never torqued it and it's been slowly working its way out. There is no reason to take that bolt off for a brake inspection though. Glad you and everyone around you is safe. FYI, you may be able to find a cheaper rim on CL.

Thanks for the well wishes! And you make great points. Fortunately, one really great thing about where I live is that I am treated exceptionally well in most places. The local dealer has already contacted Chrysler, and hopefully will be able to go through warranty to replace the rim. And, fortunately, the out of town dealer that was clearly trying to rip me off, started having a change of heart at the last minute, and gave me an opportunity to walk out, without paying the made up $190 bill for the 10" $3 bolt replacement!!! I had already had the tow truck guy jack up the Jeep and pull the caliper out of my rim, align it back up, and zip tie it together so that we could roll the Jeep onto the tow bed.)

After this, I am going to look into alternate rims. Problem is, I LOVE my Willys Wheeler wheels, and it is one of the features that attracted me to this Jeep. And I am kicking myself for not making arrangements to purchase a set, reportedly in great condition, off of a Jeeper who lives in Austin (350 miles from me) who took his off at about 6000 for $500[emoji17]
Unfortunately, I might have to sit out the Stillwaters run[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]🤕🤒

I drove the Jeep up, instead of trailering (A/C compressor went out on the Dodge), and when I was exiting for gas, at my usual higher speed and brake at the last minute fashion, the Jeep started driving like a$& and the brakes were making a funky ratcheting sound on the right. Pulled into the gas station, heard a intermittent hissing sound from the right passenger side, and then shortly thereafter, the tire was flat, flatter, and FLAT!
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Bolt came out of the caliper!!!![emoji33] and the caliper jimmied up into the rim, and sliced into the center of the rim, all the way around, cutting full-thickness in areas, and almost all the way in half[emoji85]. So now I don't have a spare.

Of course, the usual drama at the dealership (Beeville) -- "Oh, you're from out,of town..you're traveling....you need this right away: Oh, this can't be covered under warranty, and oh, the $465 rim (without the center/hub piece) that you, girlie, shouldn't have any knowledge of the price, is a $700 rim and it will be a total of $874 to install; or, you can pay $190, that includes $17 for the $3 bolt. Of course, there would be an extra charge if you want us to actually inspect the caliper/brake system and/or look at the driver side!


Yeah I used to live in Beeville and that could be one of the worst dealerships ever. Sorry to hear about it and too bad to weren't in a better place when it happened.
Thank you. I was feeling your pain, too, about your new Jeep. Any decent news yet?

New transmission will be here on Tuesday, install Wednesday and possible pickup on Thursday. Fingers crossed!!

So how long before you are back up and running??
New transmission will be here on Tuesday, install Wednesday and possible pickup on Thursday. Fingers crossed!!

So how long before you are back up and running??

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too! I'm up and running, just don't have a spare so I will have to sit out this wheeling trip (at Stillwaters Ranch in Llano). There also is some damage to the brake system that the sleezy dealer was not inclined to address, so I don't want to do too much until I get that addressed.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too! I'm up and running, just don't have a spare so I will have to sit out this wheeling trip (at Stillwaters Ranch in Llano). There also is some damage to the brake system that the sleezy dealer was not inclined to address, so I don't want to do too much until I get that addressed.

You could buy a whole set of nice aftermarket rims for less than they want for that factory rim, lol
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