Super Bowl Sunday

Sux only reason I was watching and rooting for the broncos is cause of Rigids giveaway ....guess I'm not winning any lights lol

Sent from my obama monitoring device
What time does the game start? The peewee game sucks.

:thumbup: blow out. Last few super bowls have been the worst football I've ever watched. Pats vs giants included. Seriously some horrible football

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
Definately disspointing. First time I've ever started fast forwarding through the actual game just to see the commercials.

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
I thought you were working. :crazyeyes:

I was, and did. Worked all morning until about 2:45 then brought my laptop home and worked during the game too. Wifey was in her office studying, had one kid at a friends house, one playing his video game, and the third on an iPad. I was actually pretty productive at home for once. It's amazing how much more I can get done without three kids running around.
That game was a joke! I dont know what the hell happened!! Oh well. Baseball season is just around the corner!
WOW. Is my team that good? thats what i was thinking the whole game.
I will try to post photo's and video of the celebrations that happened last night here in downtown seattle and the parade Wednesday if anybody is interested...

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