Socal Jeep Meet at Bass Pro Shops?


New member
Don't know how many people are in socal in the inland empire. Depending on how many people are in the area I was thinking we could have a meet at Bass Pro Shops this month in Rancho Cucamonga and possibly hit a trail or two after the meet such as Cleghorn? If you are in the area or could make it let me know! Looking at maybe doing it December 13th. Thanks! We will be meeting at Bass Pro Shops at 10:00am! ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1417825501.306651.jpg


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I live close and that's a good spot to meet but I'll be out of town that weekend but will keep an eye out for future runs.
I live close and that's a good spot to meet but I'll be out of town that weekend but will keep an eye out for future runs.

It doesn't have to we that specific weekend. I think anything before Christmas weekend will work besides the 20th
I'm not too far from bass pro. Unfortunately, that's going to be a tough day for me to make it. Maybe another time in the future!👍
Would have to be a pretty early meet to run Cleghorn after. I'm so far I'd probably just meet up with y'all at the trail head...I'll subscribe and see how this works out.
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