Silver Lake Round 2 and then some


New member
Hey guys so I'm organizing a trip to silver lake on the weekend of AUG 8-11, the plan is to take a few seasonal roads on the way up to traverse city (for those who are coming from the detroit/windsor area)

Day one: seasonal trails/ camp setup
Day two: Sand dunes
Day three: Local Trails and parks
Day four: travel back

I know a lot of you have responsibilities and work to deal with so if you can make it out for a day or the whole weekend feel free to message me when you're coming out and we will set up a time and meet at the campsite to tune in cbs, make sure everyones rigs are ready and our stomachs are full!

For those who have never been on a seasonal road this is what to expect:

As well for the DUNES:

Depending on how many people go we will be renting the sites accordingly. For accommodations we will evening split the sites based on the people and have one individual (possibly the first one who would arrive to have it booked in their name)

As well there has been interest in going to Twisted Trails Offroad Park and Rock and valley (though some rigs may not be able to handle these)

Not sure about these but some have expressed interest. i know i have not problem trail running but i do not have my rig set up for rock crawling. but if there are those whom have theirs set up i am sure those who cannot run the trails would be willing to help spot and guide.

Just PM me if interested (once we have a better picture on who is going we will book the camp site and just split the cost via pay pall or any other means)
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Time off request is in. No one else has the time off so I should be good to go.

Sweet stuff!! I'll actually be booking a campsite for the weekend so we can go back between runs (seasonal trails and dunes to relax. Eat etc.) so we can set a BBQ for te second day (Saturday) if anyone has suggestions fire away.
What site are you looking at. There are some that are quite strict (drinking and noise after 10pm or so and there is at least one that will double your daily rate if you have more than one tent per site.
What site are you looking at. There are some that are quite strict (drinking and noise after 10pm or so and there is at least one that will double your daily rate if you have more than one tent per site.

Well last time I had booked with hideaway but had to cancel. If you know a good place to camp, also looking into a cottage for the weekend but most are booked.
I do like hideaway. They are a little strict on the talking after 10-11pm but a great location. Lots of trees, pool and showers. Looks like I'll be coming down on the afternoon of the 8th after work and dropping the dog at the kennel. Probably looking at a 5-7pm arrival depending on my work load and if my buddy comes along.
Well I have about a 5 hour drive to get there so I'll be there around noon ish with a buddy. Set up camp and double check everything on the rig after the drive in. So we will have a BBQ going and beers in the cooler for when you boy get close (I don't drink but assuming everyone else does) we can all pitch in if we want a good BBQ going that evening so we can be up and ready to hit the dunes.
well i know ill be getting steaks (I'm a huge carnivore) and protienshakes ahaha, don't mind how much i eat in one day I'm a cow deep down.

I was thinking for the weekend we can either rent a site to camp or to see if this is available:

the amount of land it comes with makes it so we can do as we please and still camp out just won't have to deal with as many rules...opinions?
The property looks good if we get 6 people to go in on it it will be like 40 bucks each 225 total. For the 8-11th I think camp sites are 35-40 per night.
Yea well my buddy and I will be there the whole weekend, assuming you aswell and your copilot؟ and Clark and plus one for a night I belive
Yup I am in for one night but could be persuaded to show up Friday night as well considering it will just be me and my son. Either the cabin or camping is fine with us.
Well I emailed the owner of the 6acre with trailer to see if he will rent to us for that time frame. And you should come Friday!!! Spend the extra night. Plus that lot is 150 for 2 nights and it gives us a little more freedom than on a campsite.
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