Screw You WAYALIFE - We are NORCAL!

Lol I guess so. Well I'm in Hawaii enjoys a beautiful cruise. Got better things to do then talking to a bunch of dumbasses.

And yet, here you are.

Me, I would prefer that you enjoy your cruise but if a dumbass like me can help settle whatever it is that's really got you all upset, please let me know.
Sorry for butting in but since I was on the Rocking Rubicon Run and felt like I made a few new friends from the Nor Cal area can you guys enlighten me to what the F is going on here?

It's pretty simple, A bunch of great Nor Cal wheelers who live to wheel, meet new people and have a good time!! And then all the jealous ones.
Sorry for butting in but since I was on the Rocking Rubicon Run and felt like I made a few new friends from the Nor Cal area can you guys enlighten me to what the F is going on here?

In a nutshell - the "norcalians" went on their run and had a guy break down. I got a call from them and went up to help them out. The guy I helped made an indirect "thank you" on the forum and OverlanderJK called him out on it. This caused the "norcalians" to defend their friend and said that I could clear things up. Before giving my 2¢, I specifically asked if anything I said would really make a difference or was everyone set in whatever it is they chose to believe. Initially, everyone ignored me and then a couple of people said they wanted to hear what I had to say. When I explained that I had gotten a PM from their friend that basically told me thanks for nothing, the "norcalians" decided that I was in on the whole thing and put people like OverlanderJK up to stirring the pot. So, here we are - apparently, I am the one responsible for everything.

Does that help?

EDIT: Or, you can go with Fitzbsly's answer to the problem.
And yet, here you are.

Me, I would prefer that you enjoy your cruise but if a dumbass like me can help settle whatever it is that's really got you all upset, please let me know.

I never said I was leaving. Just had been traveling the last couple days and haven't had time. Are we not welcome here anymore?
It's pretty simple, A bunch of great Nor Cal wheelers who live to wheel, meet new people and have a good time!! And then all the jealous ones.

You're absolutely right. You guys are badasses that never take any of the bypasses. We're all so completely jealous of you and really, unworthy of your shining presence. Perhaps you should start a "norcalian" forum where you can all be with like minded awesomess :yup:
I never said I was leaving. Just had been traveling the last couple days and haven't had time. Are we not welcome here anymore?

Funny, I don't ever recall saying you weren't welcome here and yet here you are so quick to assume that you aren't. Not that there's anything wrong with it but normally, you "norcalians" couldn't put a sock in it if your life depended on it. After the whole Rubicon stupidness, all of you "norcalians" seemed to have disappeared. Perhaps it was my mistake in assuming that you had all left and for that, I apologize. But, make no mistake, if you really weren't welcome here - I'd make it perfectly clear. :yup:

Gentlemen please and Yes I do mean Gentlemen! Reading this is tantamount to this picture! Can we just be done with this? I've met most of you and even had the honor of breaking bread with you in your homes.

You can trust me that there is no duality in being a WayALifer or a NorCalian! WayALife brought us all together and for some HUGE misunderstandings torn us apart!

The people I've met her have become our Framily and my heart has has truly been broken for sometime now! You can rest assured I have defended each and everyone of you to each other out of Grace. There but for the Grace of God....a mid typed statement or misunderstood intention is all that separates us! Really that's all it is.

I can say I have often not posted because as a person who has come to love the friends that live up here will be criticized and judged, sometimes it feels like all it takes is living in Nor Cal for a judgement to the made about that person. Perhaps that is why statements made by members that don't live up here were taking the wrong way! A lot of them I personally have found funny having met and I thought known the persons who made them. A gentle ribbing taken wrong but maybe I was the wrong one.

If you could have seen/heard the gracious comments said about Eddie, Cindy, MTG and WAL around the campfire you would not feel such a division or exclusivity. I can say my hopes were renewed that this would become a turning point to all of us being a "UNITED" forum. There was a Peace to my soul at that moment! A lot of us have, as you do too, things going on in your lives and may not have had the time to post up or needed time to form out thoughts of thanks or gratitude. This is why I didn't take time to post up a synopsis of the goings on around the campfire. Did I have time to post on this thread Yes and it was to make a quick joke to another forum member. yes but that's because it was quick reply. Was I going to post more to mention how my heart swelled from what was becoming an end to this NorCal riff yes. Did I? No by the time I sat down to it was all over already. Did I remain silent? Yes at that point I felt like Eddie felt did my opinion really matter would anyone listen? Probably not judgements and minds had already been set. I was hoping that cooler heads would prevail and yet they did not. Nope cooler heads prevailing has not been the case. I think some people feel like there is a reward in finding something "wrong" each other instead of looking for the best in each other!

Do I read the comments about how weak people are because they get hurt about what was said or typed about them? Yes! Do I agree? Somewhat...but truth is we owe a lot to this forum for the people and experiences we've had and we owe just as much to the people we've shared those experiences with. So am I a pansy for letting these comments affect me? If the shoe fits I will proudly wear it! I'm not afraid to say to that I allowed sincere gratitude to flood my heart for the kind comments and sincere disappointment and heartbreak to crush my heart too!

Is this back and forth equivalent to a school yard fight? Probably but we are grown human beings and yes Ladies and Gentlemen who despite our differences would do anything for the other. We all come from diverse backgrounds and beliefs and it weren't for WAL we wouldn't have met each other and I feel become better for it. Did I ask too many questions? Am I just rambling now? YES!!! Believe it not I'm saddened and embarrassed that I even feel a need to have to type this but I still believe in all of you and hope that we can get past this. If not so be it!

I sincerely wish for all of you "All the Happiness that your Hearts and Hands can hold"

Happy Jeepin!

Sent from my iPad
I've never been one to pick sides in a fight nor to judge people for their thoughts, I've had lots of friends make mistakes to me but for me the value of a friendship is worth forgiving, I guess I'm a forgiving person. I don't like drama at all, all of you who know me know that, so this situation I'm in breaks my heart, I can't express enough how much this forum has improved my life and gave me the best friends I've had in my lifetime, Cripplepety and RubiRick have been like brothers to me, guided me through thick and thin and have been at my side at every hard obstacle, these guys are my true friends I need to stand by them, that being said I don't agree with comments from both sides. I don't agree with the way rox star handled the situation, I hardly know Greg but it won't stop me from being his or any of your friends
Honestly all of this has just spoiled my enjoyment of the forum
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Gentlemen please and Yes I do mean Gentlemen! Reading this is tantamount to this picture! Can we just be done with this? I've met most of you and even had the honor of breaking bread with you in your homes.

You can trust me that there is no duality in being a WayALifer or a NorCalian! WayALife brought us all together and for some HUGE misunderstandings torn us apart!

The people I've met her have become our Framily and my heart has has truly been broken for sometime now! You can rest assured I have defended each and everyone of you to each other out of Grace. There but for the Grace of God....a mid typed statement or misunderstood intention is all that separates us! Really that's all it is.

I can say I have often not posted because as a person who has come to love the friends that live up here will be criticized and judged, sometimes it feels like all it takes is living in Nor Cal for a judgement to the made about that person. Perhaps that is why statements made by members that don't live up here were taking the wrong way! A lot of them I personally have found funny having met and I thought known the persons who made them. A gentle ribbing taken wrong but maybe I was the wrong one.

If you could have seen/heard the gracious comments said about Eddie, Cindy, MTG and WAL around the campfire you would not feel such a division or exclusivity. I can say my hopes were renewed that this would become a turning point to all of us being a "UNITED" forum. There was a Peace to my soul at that moment! A lot of us have, as you do too, things going on in your lives and may not have had the time to post up or needed time to form out thoughts of thanks or gratitude. This is why I didn't take time to post up a synopsis of the goings on around the campfire. Did I have time to post on this thread Yes and it was to make a quick joke to another forum member. yes but that's because it was quick reply. Was I going to post more to mention how my heart swelled from what was becoming an end to this NorCal riff yes. Did I? No by the time I sat down to it was all over already. Did I remain silent? Yes at that point I felt like Eddie felt did my opinion really matter would anyone listen? Probably not judgements and minds had already been set. I was hoping that cooler heads would prevail and yet they did not. Nope cooler heads prevailing has not been the case. I think some people feel like there is a reward in finding something "wrong" each other instead of looking for the best in each other!

Do I read the comments about how weak people are because they get hurt about what was said or typed about them? Yes! Do I agree? Somewhat...but truth is we owe a lot to this forum for the people and experiences we've had and we owe just as much to the people we've shared those experiences with. So am I a pansy for letting these comments affect me? If the shoe fits I will proudly wear it! I'm not afraid to say to that I allowed sincere gratitude to flood my heart for the kind comments and sincere disappointment and heartbreak to crush my heart too!

Is this back and forth equivalent to a school yard fight? Probably but we are grown human beings and yes Ladies and Gentlemen who despite our differences would do anything for the other. We all come from diverse backgrounds and beliefs and it weren't for WAL we wouldn't have met each other and I feel become better for it. Did I ask too many questions? Am I just rambling now? YES!!! Believe it not I'm saddened and embarrassed that I even feel a need to have to type this but I still believe in all of you and hope that we can get past this. If not so be it!

I sincerely wish for all of you "All the Happiness that your Hearts and Hands can hold"

Happy Jeepin!

Sent from my iPad

You and Rob are quality people and this doesn't change that opinion one bit. I've told this to others and stating it here. Unfortunately, you know what they say about a few bad apples. Before we were anything, this was wayalife. It will always be wayalife.

I think some of those in NorCal forget this. And it comes across as disrespectful to the rest of us and to the owners of this forum. That is what this all stems from.

I didn't have a dog (or snail) in this race until I was personally attacked here on the forum by a small handful of the NorCal group. That non instigated attack was done because I raised a question out of safety and caution. It was very enlightening as I am one of the nicest guys on the forum by those who know me and know my post history.

Unfortunately, those who made the attacks weren't on our rubicon "all bypass" trip. I thought people there got to know me and things seemed cool.

But bad apples have a way of stinking up the place again, and that's what happened here.

If the group thinks "we're not wayalife, we're NorCal" seems as though some of those up north forget what this is all about.

As I said to start, you and Rob will remain good peeps in my book. And I'd hope your clarity would reach to your other friends. Just NorCal.
I'm sorry to tell you that panda is with us and always will be. He is a true norcalian

NorCal family !!!

It's pretty simple, A bunch of great Nor Cal wheelers who live to wheel, meet new people and have a good time!! And then all the jealous ones.

You know, for the most part I have sat back silent through all of this. No more. I thought the pm to Eddie and the posted "thanks" on the forum was pretty weak, but not necessarily unforgivable or something that would have been a point of discussion longer than five minutes if the dude had just said "yeah, sorry, that pm came out wrong but I really am thankful."

But, the series of posts above rub me the wrong way. A "true Norcalian"? I guess that says it all now doesn't it. Jealous? Of what, exactly?

If you are so badass and so special then I can't imagine why you would have any use for us lowly Wayalifers and non-true Norcalians. You should probably just find yourselves a new home because clearly we are not good enough and badass enough to be worth your time.
I've never been one to pick sides in a fight nor to judge people for their thoughts, I've had lots of friends make mistakes to me but for me the value of a friendship is worth forgiving, I guess I'm a forgiving person. I don't like drama at all, all of you who know me know that, so this situation I'm in breaks my heart, I can't express enough how much this forum has improved my life and gave me the best friends I've had in my lifetime, Cripplepety and RubiRick have been like brothers to me, guided me through thick and thin and have been at my side at every hard obstacle, these guys are my true friends I need to stand by them, that being said I don't agree with comments from both sides. I don't agree with the way rox star handled the situation, I hardly know Greg but it won't stop me from being his or any of your friends
Honestly all of this has just spoiled my enjoyment of the forum

Sucks after all this forum has meant and brought to you, that some of those same people are making you choose sides.

You know more than just about anyone, this forum has been and will always be about Wayalife.
Sucks after all this forum has meant and brought to you, that some of those same people are making you choose sides.

You know more than just about anyone, this forum has been and will always be about Wayalife.

Just so it's clear nobody is making me choose sides all the norcalians have made it clear that they will support me and continue to be my friends weather I stay here or not
Just so it's clear nobody is making me choose sides all the norcalians have made it clear that they will support me and continue to be my friends weather I stay here or not

What would make you think that we would do or say anything different to you here???
We Aren't WAYALIFE - We are NORCAL!

You and Rob are quality people and this doesn't change that opinion one bit. I've told this to others and stating it here. Unfortunately, you know what they say about a few bad apples. Before we were anything, this was wayalife. It will always be wayalife.

Thanks JAGS the feeling is mutual. We have the picture S drew for Panda still on our fridge and there it will remain regardless.

I think some of those in NorCal forget this. And it comes across as disrespectful to the rest of us and to the owners of this forum. That is what this all stems from.

IMHP I think a harsh judgements were made on both sides and well I got to the point where I felt every move anyone made was scrutinized and judged in the wrong perception.


I didn't have a dog (or snail) in this race until I was personally attacked here on the forum by a small handful of the NorCal group. That non instigated attack was done because I raised a question out of safety and caution. It was very enlightening as I am one of the nicest guys on the forum by those who know me and know my post history.

I do agree with you there but at that point I felt the gauntlet had been laid so cooler heads did not prevail.

Unfortunately, those who made the attacks weren't on our rubicon "all bypass" trip. I thought people there got to know me and things seemed cool.

I wasn't there so can't comment for how other people feel or why honestly I can't see why very few have given anyone the benefit of the doubt.

But bad apples have a way of stinking up the place again, and that's what happened here.

Perhaps all parties involved have allowed bad apples to make them gun shy I don't know. Don't see the benefit of throwing the Baby out with Bath water.

If the group thinks "we're not wayalife, we're NorCal" seems as though some of those up north forget what this is all about.

This is a huge misconception that I feel others got tired of defending at some point one will just give up as they know there's no changing your opinion. Can we just agree to disagree and move on. I do agree that any comments that are seen as disrespectful should be addressed but there has to be a healthier way of addressing the issue than what been seen recently.

As I said to start, you and Rob will remain good peeps in my book. And I'd hope your clarity would reach to your other friends. Just NorCal.

Thank you. I do regard you as good peeps too! I hope it will bring clarity to all parties. The funny thing is if we were all closer in proximity you would all be able to hopefully see the good in each other enjoy each others quirkiness and differences and put away the keyboard hatchets. And yes no WAL no group of friends that happen to live in Nor Cal. I've seen others who live in Nor Cal welcome new members when they've joined us. It was never the intention to be exclusive but inclusive and I'm saddened that that was misunderstood.

OKAY I suck at posting please see above comments included in your quote to get the full breathe of my reply. Sorry for being lame at stuff! Lol as I get older I feel more and more like my Parents when they couldn't work the telephone answering machine! If I had kids I know I'd be getting the obligatory eye roll right about now.
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I've never been one to pick sides in a fight nor to judge people for their thoughts, I've had lots of friends make mistakes to me but for me the value of a friendship is worth forgiving, I guess I'm a forgiving person. I don't like drama at all, all of you who know me know that, so this situation I'm in breaks my heart, I can't express enough how much this forum has improved my life and gave me the best friends I've had in my lifetime, Cripplepety and RubiRick have been like brothers to me, guided me through thick and thin and have been at my side at every hard obstacle, these guys are my true friends I need to stand by them, that being said I don't agree with comments from both sides. I don't agree with the way rox star handled the situation, I hardly know Greg but it won't stop me from being his or any of your friends
Honestly all of this has just spoiled my enjoyment of the forum

Well, I won't lie, I am always one to pick sides in a fight and even though I don't like to admit it, I will judge people for their thoughts. I have very few people I call my "true friends" and I know I can count on them to stand by my side just like I would stand by theirs. If they do something I think is wrong, I will let them know and vice versa and we will still be friends in spite of it. I'm glad to know you have people in your life that you can call "true friends" too - people that are like brothers to you. I'm glad to know that you were able to meet them here on WAYALIFE and I completely understand your determination to stand by their side. It is after all, what I would do too.

That being said, I never spoke directly to Rox Star and in spite of all the wonderful things the "norcalians" have been saying about him, I wasn't there to hear any of it. The only time I heard from him directly was by PM and both times, there was nothing to misunderstand. What he said wasn't "poorly worded", he ACCUSED ME of "calling on the other forum members" to call him out and that "In hindsight, you guys really should have sent a couple rigs down to Folsom (the closest part store that had a pump, that you could locate) for the part. You guys, or more specifically, he should have not asked for help outside of your group. You guys should have taken care of yourselves." For me personally, that would be enough to stop me from choosing to be his friend but, that's just me.

Clearly, your friends have chosen to leave and I can totally respect that. If you chose to leave with them, that would be a shame but I'd totally understand your reasons. Of course, if you wish to stay, I think that would be great and I know you wouldn't be one to cause any problems.
It's pretty simple, A bunch of great Nor Cal wheelers who live to wheel, meet new people and have a good time!! And then all the jealous ones.

I got to this comment and had to stop for a second.

You are one retarded fuck if you think this has anything to do with jealousy.
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