Safe Public Place to Leave Jeep


New member
Looking for some advice here. Going on a long road trip with a few tall people that don't want to cram in the back seat of my JKU. It's a fight I wasn't going to win... Anyways, we are all meeting in a small town about 90 miles away from me and I will be ditching the jeep in a public parking lot for 4 days. It has a hard top, but I am concerned about wheels / tires getting ripped or just getting messed with. Anyone have any experience with a similar situation or have a good idea on somewhere to leave it while the smallest chance of drawing attention or with decent security / cameras? Thanks in advance.
Across the street from the local PD? Or see if any Wayalifers are nearby and can loan out some driveway space?
Personally, I wouldn't do it. If I had to, I'd consider parking it in long term parking at an airport or somewhere else where you pay to park and there is 24 hour security.

If you are thinking about leaving it in the parking lot of a Walmart or the like, you will be lucky if all that happens is your Jeep gets towed.

Better yet, rent a uhaul or rental car and drive it the 90 miles. Then rent another vehicle for the drive home.
Unless it's your only vehicle, why take it at all and put it at risk? You won't be using it except there and back right? I'd just leave it home if that's an option.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. If I had to, I'd consider parking it in long term parking at an airport or somewhere else where you pay to park and there is 24 hour security.

If you are thinking about leaving it in the parking lot of a Walmart or the like, you will be lucky if all that happens is your Jeep gets towed.

Better yet, rent a uhaul or rental car and drive it the 90 miles. Then rent another vehicle for the drive home.

This!! I agree.

It seems that no certain areas are off limits these days to crooks. We've found hand/face prints on our vehicles in a fire station parking lot that is very well lit and right out front.
All fair points. I'll just drive the extra hour to a friends house who I am meeting. I'll drive there the night before and leave the car at his place. Thanks for some insight.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. If I had to, I'd consider parking it in long term parking at an airport or somewhere else where you pay to park and there is 24 hour security.

Its funny you say that. When i used to live in Chicago, the long term parking lots at O'hare airport were always littered with stolen cars!
Park in the local police parking lot. Notify the watch commander that it's there and when you'll return.
You could possibly get a storage unit company to rent you a vacant space for a few days. Park it inside a storage unit.
Find a police station and ask the guys inside, cheap insurance if their cool about it. I've had folks do it at my office. No big deal as long as the vehicles aren't in the way of normal business.
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