Red Cone / Radical Hill / Deer Creek, Colorado


Active Member
I've been itching for this day for a few years now, getting back to Red Cone. I had only done it once about 4 years ago in my LJ and it was instantly my favorite trail.

We got an early start and hit the trail head right at 10am. About half way up we stopped at a small stream and just sat for a few and listened to it trickle by.


A while later after leaving the tree line we were able to see the peak. That is Webster Pass trail zig-zagging in the back there.


Getting closer - dont look down...


Before getting back in the Jeep I had to actually walk to the edge just to see where the trail actually went. It really drops off in a hurry and is almost completely blind to start off. My girlfriend snapped this a few seconds after we started down, again, it just disappears about half way down.

And looking back up. Predictably, the pics dont really do it justice.

Did I mention, dont look down?

The Red Cone trail ends where it meets up with the Webster Pass trail on this saddle between two peaks.

Then on to Radical Hill. Oh my. If you need your pucker meter calibrated, this is a good spot.

Then the final push up this last bit.

The Deer Creek trail is a meandering trail down through the valley on the other side of that climb, No pics because weather was moving in and we didnt want to get caught.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Yup Awesome trails for sure planning to go up there Aug 29. Weird how you get to the top of Radical Hill and
It's like a different planet with the weather. Cool Pics Man...
Yeah, the clouds move quickly up there. You can see the rain coming up the valley in the pano pic from the saddle. Stringing 3 trails together was a bit optimistic and we were pretty tired once all said and done. Luckily the girlfriend is a good sport.
Haha! I was telling someone else about the trail and they asked if I saw "the goats." Apparently that's their neighborhood and are frequently seen there.
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