REALLY?? Sony Scraped ‘The Interview’

Since it appears we'll miss it. Here's a scene. "Spoiler Alert."

All this over that short scene? Could have been way better. I'd rather have seen a sniper turn him into pink mist, or get stabbed 23 times (which is probably the sort of thing he has coming to him, eventually...).

The whole situation brings this Archer quote to mind:

Relax It's North Korea.png
I just recently started watching Archer and find it hilarious. Sony should release it on DVD and send NK about 10,000 complimentary copies.
I'm disappointed but not surprised by Sony's actions. It's Hollywood after all. The "real world" doesn't penetrate their coccoon very often. Welcome to the world where most of the rest of us live.:twocents:
Thank goodness there are still a few people in the USA that have balls. Figures they'd be in Texas...

Texas Theater Showing 'Team America' After Sony Pulls 'The Interview'

What do you do when threats force Sony and all the major movie chains across the country to pull the movie "The Interview"?

One theater in Texas knows just what to do: show 2004's "Team America," another satire involving North Korea, written by the creators of "South Park."

On the Facebook page for the Alamo Drafthouse theater in Dallas-Fort Worth, the message reads, "For the record, our plan was to still show 'The Interview '... unfortunately these decisions aren't always ours to make. But in light of these recent events, we only have one thing to say: 'AMERICA F*** YEAH!'"

'Merica - FUCK YEAH!!
Same reaction I had yesterday. Bullsheet. And yeah, thank God for Trey and Matt. I guess it takes Canadians to show American balls these days.
If they show the movie from what I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.N.C.E has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100.
9/11 times a hundred? Jesus, that's...Yes, 91,100.
damn it!!!! I was planning on watching this!

They all got scared of getting hacked WTF!! really??? American business is this lax on their security?? yes they are and all in the name of profits.

What this has brought attention to is the "spin" that they cancelled it due to security concerns (bullshit!) what it truly is, is lack of security of their technology and fear of additional hacks.
You have got to be kidding me!! :naw:

Paramount Cancels 'Team America' Screenings

At least three movie theaters that planned to show "Team America" say Paramount Pictures has canceled the 2004 comedy from public screening.

Cleveland's Capitol Theatre, Dallas-Fort Worth's Alamo Drafthouse and Atlanta's Plaza Atlanta wrote that Paramount pulled the movie on Thursday.

"This was a weird coincidence for us," Dave Huffman, director of Marketing at Cleveland Cinemas, which operates the Capitol Theatre, told the Huffington Post. "We had the film booked all the way back in October as part of our midnight cult series and it was scheduled to play June 20, 2015. We got an email shortly after 1 p.m saying the film was pulled from release."

Some theaters, like the Alamo Drafthouse, had planned to show "Team America" in the wake of Sony canceling "The Interview."

"Due to to circumstances beyond our control, the screening of 'Team America' on Dec. 27 has been cancelled as the film has been removed from release," Drafthouse wrote on its Facebook page. "We apologize to anyone who has bought advance tickets and will be providing full refunds today."

A representative for Paramount Pictures was not immediately available to comment.

For the love of god, could someone please give AMERICA its balls back :grayno:
So are we going to pull "America Sniper" next Because it might offend the terrorists family's because they got shot for being terrorists....:crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes:
Seriously, this is complete bullshit. I'll be that stereo type Texan/American, but seriously where is Americas balls!
It's a fucking movie (and you know damn well it was gonna be funny)

This movie will eventually leak and everyone will find a way to watch it, but succumbing to bullshit terrorism like this? Horse radish
Unfortunately, the whole is being impacted by the few. I do agree that pulling the film means we caved to threats. Never a good thing to hand over power like that. :grayno:

More information is coming out just about by the hour on this thing. It's a long read, but you can read a little more about the impact beyond the pulled movie. (Article Link) Sony isn't about to take a chance of any more mud getting on its hands than it already has. Cyber security/terrorism is no joke and this has been predicted to happen (and will continue to happen) for some time the more we live in the digital age.
It's really an incredibly sad week of penis-tucked-between-the-legs cowardice for the American image. First the dictator in chief kowtows to Cuba. Then the free market throws free speech under the bus because they were cyber bullied. Another symptom of the pussification of America. I would have edited the film to have Kim il idiot naked, bald, and gay wearing a semi translucent rainbow kimono and then distribute it for free on the Internet for the world to see, while paying millions to any hacker who would cyber bomb the both Korean cyber infrastructure as a gesture of "an eye for an eye".
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