Rausch Creek- June 29/30


New member
By popular demand I have started a thread for June 29th and 30th! Same deal as last time..

Camping at Echo Valley campground and wheeling Saturday and Sunday..

Some of us will also be camping Friday night as well...


So who's all in?

Lane- both- camping-Fri&Sat
Trembley- both- camping-Fri&Sat
KPM171- both- camping-Fri&Sat
Mrmet1983- Saturday- camping-Fri-x2/Sat-x3
Hinrichs- both- camping-Fri&Sat
msk466- both- camping-Fri&Satx4
Mikefishes- both- camping-Sat
Napalm- both
NickJK+2- both
JanaJK- both
JKmadness- Saturday
Nubs- Saturday- maybe camping-Sat
NateTJ- Saturday
SeanB- Saturday
Aeraun- Saturday
Tackerdown- Sunday- Camping-Sat
Drakko- Sunday- camping Sat
Ninja- Sunday- camping Sat
Jiggawhatpolo- Sunday
ConquestJeep-101-camping Sat

RyanJKUR- maybe- Sunday- camping Sat
BearJew- maybe
dis_dis- maybe both- camping Fri&Sat
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Jackie and I are in for Sunday definitly. I will update you as I find out if I can grab Saturday for wheeling aswell
I hope you guys can make it both days!! Camping will be way more pleasant this time i promise :D

Except for freezing our asses off if was fun last time lol. Hopefully June will be nicer to us. I'm gonna talk to my boss this weekend and see what I can do, I'd really like to do both days this time : )
this bum will be at the beach. im out unless i change my mind. im trying to get a new jeep as well so i want to hold off for a bit so insure i dont do any more damage to the belly of the beast
i want the 3.6 to be honest. if i can get that and pay the little extra for the 3.73 i figure im going to be saving myself a little money in the long run. Also resale value of the 3.6 will be higher than my 2011 with the black sheep CPU it has in it. Planning for the future
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