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Ha! Funny.

I was doing some research on imperial valley for places to go and this came up because of the salvation mountain part in it. So I got stuck watching it and it was actually really good.

Well I'm just glad you got your life back together and aren't drifting anymore. ;)
Wow.......now that's good stuff right there........I was raised on the ass whoopin' philosophy.......corporal punishment in school (paddled) as well....... There was a consequence to pay if you acted up.......my dad rest his soul never abused me or my brother there was always a good reason why he had to put his hands on us and just enough to get his point across no more no less.........He used to make us put our hands in our pockets whenever we went into a store.......if he saw your hands you got the (I'm gonna whoop your ass look).....most of the time that's all it took to straighten us out..........those were the days when kids respected their elders........nowadays not so much......smh:grayno:

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