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Brankzie......invest in one of these brother......goes on quick and easy......I kept one in the back of my Jeep when I ran w/o a top and the tube doors for a year......and do yourself another favor and get you the Wunderground radar app.......know where the rain is son......be proactive.........or just keep getting the interior of your rig soaked.......your choice.......just another tip from your Uncle Woody


Not rain its frost lol
but still im getting that after my spider web shades
this is the 4 time that this happen to me.
i froze my balls off lol

Word of warning, Brankzie. You can't drive with it on.:D

We Are Jeep..Resistance Is Futile..
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It still would've worked to keep your interior dry and your windshield and windows unfrosted....


yup i saw one similar on ebay for cheap, but first will be my spider web shades, i had sensitive skin to the sun so i need it asap :yup: my 125% sun screen its not working lol
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