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I think what’s worse is like 56% of dems still voted for Biden. 😳 Bet not a single one could say one good thing he has done in four years.
Exactly. I get that democrats stick with democrats or stick with their certain democrat checklist, but seriously why the fuck would anyone stick with this anti-American loser? Regardless of party, for ANYONE who wants to continue living in this country, what quality of life does Biden give any American? I've always leaned more conservative, but I grew up in a liberal area and still had respect for democrats because some had great arguments for their position and I still respected that. However, nowadays, the democratic party has gone full clown. I literally have no understanding how people can continue supporting this anti-American shit show. The democratic party is not what it use to be. Both parties need to study our original founding history and documents. Biden doesn't represent that.
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