Random Internet Shit you've come across

Thanks for the link. I'm about half way through watching on 2x. So far sounds like the war isn't between Russia and Ukraine but rather Everybody vs the Shadow People that even control our government as well. So far, Putin seems very respectable and isn't really happy it came to this. The fact that he allowed this interview speaks volumes.

I read two mainstream articles earlier today about what to expect from this interview, and both of them were just bashing Carlson. I couldn't finish either of them. The MSM is a complete failure.
Thanks for the link. I'm about half way through watching on 2x. So far sounds like the war isn't between Russia and Ukraine but rather Everybody vs the Shadow People that even control our government as well. So far, Putin seems very respectable and isn't really happy it came to this. The fact that he allowed this interview speaks volumes.

I read two mainstream articles earlier today about what to expect from this interview, and both of them were just bashing Carlson. I couldn't finish either of them. The MSM is a complete failure.

Like him or hate him- Putin is not a stupid man. He displayed more intelligence in 30 seconds of that interview than Biden has in the last 20 years.
Just finished it. Fantastic. Whether following biblical history or extra biblical history, there's always been a plan for world dominance. And it's clear those forces are still at work today. Our government has been completely hijacked by this same power and it's been weaponized. Party doesn't matter, all administrations are controlled by this force. Our congress has to stop funding this parasite.
Just finished it. Fantastic. Whether following biblical history or extra biblical history, there's always been a plan for world dominance. And it's clear those forces are still at work today. Our government has been completely hijacked by this same power and it's been weaponized. Party doesn't matter, all administrations are controlled by this force. Our congress has to stop funding this parasite.
could you imagine biden discussing America's history with this much detail and then trying to justify why he is destroying it today, no wonder they laugh at biden and when meeting with biden, world leaders have this look of "I can't believe I had to meet with this guy"
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could you imagine biden discussing America's history with this much detail and then trying to justify why he is destroying it today, no wonder they laugh at biden and when meeting with biden, world leaders have this look of "I can believe I had to meet with this guy"

not without inserting a Corn Pop story or how he used to go down to the Home Depot and hang out with the guys.

Neither Biden nor Trump are on Putin's level.
He's smart, articulate, well read, and extremely crafty in his wording, getting his points across while not coming right out and saying them.
His smugness over the USD vs the ruble and yuan says scary things, and these are things that SMART people warned us about when the sanctions were implemented.
He mentioned our astounding debt several times.
They don't need nukes to take America down. All they need is more stupid decisions and policies from America.
His references to Rome were calculated and precise.

The Russians are proud and patriotic people, and they band together the way we used to do.
That was a very interesting interview and I think Tucker did a great job. Putin’s reciting of their history to lay the groundwork for justification was interesting. I don’t know if it was complete though. A lot of the things he said about interactions with our leaders pointed to the deep state/uni-party to blame for many issues between the US and Russia… wonder how much is true. It’s crazy that I tend to believe him over our leaders. 😳
The Dems are implementing their plan now.
The press was on Biden about his mental acuity like ravenous wolves.
Biden exits and takes all of the blame for the blunders, and of course we can't just turn around and make all of those future Democratic voters go back home now, so they get fast-tracked to citizenship and reminded monthly who their daddy is.
Biden walks on his crimes, because he can't recall breakfast.

Who will it be?
Big Mike?
Just finished it. Fantastic. Whether following biblical history or extra biblical history, there's always been a plan for world dominance. And it's clear those forces are still at work today. Our government has been completely hijacked by this same power and it's been weaponized. Party doesn't matter, all administrations are controlled by this force. Our congress has to stop funding this parasite.
Our Congress IS part of the parasite
Turn the page.
Dems briefly offer up Cameltoe, ... but wait!
What's that on the grassy knoll?
An Ultra MAGA gun nut? Oh no!

A nation unites against the enemies of Democracy. Trump supporters and firearms.

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