Random Internet Shit you've come across

Not true.

What is a ‘reasonable’ Republican? Romney? Bush? Cheney? The dude that says we won’t take as much of your money and freedom as the democrats will? The Rhino that’s not quite as commie as the democrat? The shit head that says we must be reasonable and surrender our self-determination and wealth for the benefit of the non-citizen? Fuck no. That’s not what my friends died for.

Why do you think Trump single handedly crushed the Bush dynasty, derailed Cruz, stopped Rubio and ended Hillary‘s ambitions? People are tired of the swamp and want an outsider, that’s why they voted for Trump. It was not a fluke he won, it was because he finally gave people a true alternative. When Trump won it shocked the entire political system. The entrenched power in DC freaked out. Trust me, I saw it first hand. The entire Swamp and media turned on Trump because he dared to interrupt their scam and they began to fabricated shit to ruin him. If Perot would have got elected and if he truly would have bucked the system like Trump they would have done the same to him. Trump was smarter than Perot because he ran within the existing party structure, he understood you can’t split the parties and expect to win. Running in a third party is and will ALWAYS BE a fool’s errand. The socialist party understood this concept and gave up being a third party and co-opted the democrat party. If you look at what the democrats stand for now it’s what the socialists wanted 20-40 years ago. Co-opting an existing power structure is infinitely more efficient and effective than standing up a new power structure. That’s insurgency 101.

The people who say we must be ‘reasonable’ in our political expectations are suffering from a form of the Stockholm Syndrome and have been mentally beaten into submission. This is exactly what ’They’ want you to believe.

Every time someone says Republicans need to be ‘reasonable’ I think of this quote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

--Sam Adams

I can appreciate your enthusiasm for your candidate...I would very much like to see a Republican administration in the White House, as well as a Republican controlled Senate & House. Did you not read the article from Dr. Wayne Grudem, the link I posted as a reply to your post?

The truth (as you put it) is that Trump is directly responsible for losing the majority in the Senate (I'll quote from Dr. Wayne Grudem's article) "Losing Republican control of the U.S. Senate by making rash endorsements of weak Republican candidates in several states: Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all had incumbent Democrat senators who could have been soundly defeated by a reasonably competent Republican candidate in 2022, but Trump foolishly endorsed Blake Masters in Arizona (who had never held any elective office), Herschel Walker in Georgia (whose credibility was repeatedly challenged), and political newcomer Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. All three states had stronger candidates who would have won the election and would have given Republicans a 53-47 majority in the Senate, but Trump failed to endorse the strong candidates, choosing instead people who agreed with his claim that the election was stolen.. "

Trump is also to blame for having such a slim margin in the House, when we should have had a 30 seat margin (the so called red wave)...simply because of candidates he chose to back soley on their professed belief that he had won the previous election.

The MAGA diehards only represent 30% of all registered voters...fewer moderate republicans , and fewer independent voters will vote for him in 2024 than voted for him in 2020...and he will be a convicted felon at the time of the General Election; that in itself poses multiple problems (the irony of which he will not even be able to cast a ballot for himself).

I will repost the link to the article here if you have not already read it... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...p&cvid=383be704fc0b40d7bb45b272360ce214&ei=14
I can appreciate your enthusiasm for your candidate...I would very much like to see a Republican administration in the White House, as well as a Republican controlled Senate & House. Did you not read the article from Dr. Wayne Grudem, the link I posted as a reply to your post?

The truth (as you put it) is that Trump is directly responsible for losing the majority in the Senate (I'll quote from Dr. Wayne Grudem's article) "Losing Republican control of the U.S. Senate by making rash endorsements of weak Republican candidates in several states: Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all had incumbent Democrat senators who could have been soundly defeated by a reasonably competent Republican candidate in 2022, but Trump foolishly endorsed Blake Masters in Arizona (who had never held any elective office), Herschel Walker in Georgia (whose credibility was repeatedly challenged), and political newcomer Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. All three states had stronger candidates who would have won the election and would have given Republicans a 53-47 majority in the Senate, but Trump failed to endorse the strong candidates, choosing instead people who agreed with his claim that the election was stolen.. "

Trump is also to blame for having such a slim margin in the House, when we should have had a 30 seat margin (the so called red wave)...simply because of candidates he chose to back soley on their professed belief that he had won the previous election.

The MAGA diehards only represent 30% of all registered voters...fewer moderate republicans , and fewer independent voters will vote for him in 2024 than voted for him in 2020...and he will be a convicted felon at the time of the General Election; that in itself poses multiple problems (the irony of which he will not even be able to cast a ballot for himself).

I will repost the link to the article here if you have not already read it... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...p&cvid=383be704fc0b40d7bb45b272360ce214&ei=14
Majority or not, I just wish the republicans we had in there weren't such pussies.
I can appreciate your enthusiasm for your candidate...I would very much like to see a Republican administration in the White House, as well as a Republican controlled Senate & House. Did you not read the article from Dr. Wayne Grudem, the link I posted as a reply to your post?

The truth (as you put it) is that Trump is directly responsible for losing the majority in the Senate (I'll quote from Dr. Wayne Grudem's article) "Losing Republican control of the U.S. Senate by making rash endorsements of weak Republican candidates in several states: Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all had incumbent Democrat senators who could have been soundly defeated by a reasonably competent Republican candidate in 2022, but Trump foolishly endorsed Blake Masters in Arizona (who had never held any elective office), Herschel Walker in Georgia (whose credibility was repeatedly challenged), and political newcomer Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. All three states had stronger candidates who would have won the election and would have given Republicans a 53-47 majority in the Senate, but Trump failed to endorse the strong candidates, choosing instead people who agreed with his claim that the election was stolen.. "

Trump is also to blame for having such a slim margin in the House, when we should have had a 30 seat margin (the so called red wave)...simply because of candidates he chose to back soley on their professed belief that he had won the previous election.

The MAGA diehards only represent 30% of all registered voters...fewer moderate republicans , and fewer independent voters will vote for him in 2024 than voted for him in 2020...and he will be a convicted felon at the time of the General Election; that in itself poses multiple problems (the irony of which he will not even be able to cast a ballot for himself).

I will repost the link to the article here if you have not already read it... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...p&cvid=383be704fc0b40d7bb45b272360ce214&ei=14

#1: I read the article from the very liberal and biased magazine News Week and it’s what I would expect from them. Taking advice from the enemy is never wise.

#2: It’s not ‘my’ candidate, it’s the guy who actually made things in the country more constitutional than any of so called ‘The reasonable’ candidates. Cruz was my choice in the primaries. I was very suspicious of Trump but he exceeded my expectations.
In addition a candidate NOT having held an office prior is a good thing and it is what we need and it is what the Founders of this Nation intended.

#3: Did you not read the article I posted on voter fraud? Not being a Pompous Ass I won’t patronize you by posting it again, however many people believe the outcome of the election might have been tainted- thus rendering News Week, and other liberal’s assessments of why republicans lost less than accurate.

#4: I think we will just need to agree to disagree on politics. My attitude about Limited Government seems to be different than yours. 🤣😂

#5: It’s nothing personal. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
#1: I read the article from the very liberal and biased magazine News Week and it’s what I would expect from them. Taking advice from the enemy is never wise.

#2: It’s not ‘my’ candidate, it’s the guy who actually made things in the country more constitutional than any of so called ‘The reasonable’ candidates. Cruz was my choice in the primaries. I was very suspicious of Trump but he exceeded my expectations.
In addition a candidate NOT having held an office prior is a good thing and it is what we need and it is what the Founders of this Nation intended.

#3: Did you not read the article I posted on voter fraud? Not being a Pompous Ass I won’t patronize you by posting it again, however many people believe the outcome of the election might have been tainted- thus rendering News Week, and other liberal’s assessments of why republicans lost less than accurate.

#4: I think we will just need to agree to disagree on politics. My attitude about Limited Government seems to be different than yours. 🤣😂

#5: It’s nothing personal. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
In a nutshell, Big Government = Socialism no matter how much they try to use soft words and phrases like "democracy" and "For your protection", "Community protection"

Too many so-called Republicans have fallen for the softening of intentions by the wolves in the hen house and suffer from memory loss that they fail to bring up the root causes of today's bullshit that is happening - i.e student loan crisis.

Student loan "crisis" is 100% caused by and expected as part of ACA, Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act 2010; it got buried by msm when it came out in 2010 and now the crisis is being used by democrats to act as the saviors of student loan crisis and buy votes.

Not a single republican is addressing this cause and effect and the majority of them were there in 2010!

IMO, Republicans are too busy getting caught with their thumbs up their asses as they won't address the issues head on in a reasonable and logical sense as the more sensitive issues are being held hostage by the zealots and magnified by democrats because today's 18-35 group is very emotionally driven (thanks social media, but another rant for another time).

It's time to split the 2-party system up into 3-4 distinct parties; how we do that I really have no idea as they've made the system such that you have to ride the coattails of an existing party and once in that party you toe the line or get put in the shredder.

IMO, socialists, marxists, progressive, alt right etc... any person who does not 100% want to uphold our constitution should not be allowed to hold any office in government nor the courts.

I'm not saying move fulltard right, some of those zealots are too extreme for my taste but there should be opposing ideas (not extremes) to get to the middle. The extreme takeover of both parties will allow only the most extreme of the parties to get control.

The last 15 years has become a Hatfields and McCoy government and it's about to go full tilt in the wrong direction if the marxists in government have their way.

my 2cents, which is about what my income is worth these days...
#1: I read the article from the very liberal and biased magazine News Week and it’s what I would expect from them. Taking advice from the enemy is never wise.

The article is written by an evangelical conservative lifelong Republican...not by Newsweek...
#2: It’s not ‘my’ candidate, it’s the guy who actually made things in the country more constitutional than any of so called ‘The reasonable’ candidates. Cruz was my choice in the primaries. I was very suspicious of Trump but he exceeded my expectations.
In addition a candidate NOT having held an office prior is a good thing and it is what we need and it is what the Founders of this Nation intended.

Is Donald Trump not your candidate right now? Is your choice for the Republican nomination today someone other than Donald Trump?

I agree that not having been in office before is not a disqualifying requirement to hold office...everyone that has held office at one time ran for the very first time; I believe the author of the piece was actually trying to point out that his sole reason for being endorsed by Donald Trump was only because of his belief that the election was stolen, not for any other reason such as position on policy etc...
#3: Did you not read the article I posted on voter fraud? Not being a Pompous Ass I won’t patronize you by posting it again, however many people believe the outcome of the election might have been tainted- thus rendering News Week, and other liberal’s assessments of why republicans lost less than accurate.

Yes, I did read your article on voter fraud. Here is what I know to be true...Donald Trump directed lawsuits in all 6 swing states (over 60 of them), with quite a few of them heard by conservative judges appointed by Donald Trump...not a single case, as in zero, even made it to trail...every single one of them was thrown out of court for lack of evidence...every one of them. If there was any factual evidence of enough voter fraud to overturn the election results, don't you think at least one of them would have gone to trail?

I wasn't trying to be a Pompous Ass by reposting the link...the original link was so small that I actually thought you might not have seen it...obviously your eyes are better than mine.
#4: I think we will just need to agree to disagree on politics. My attitude about Limited Government seems to be different than yours. 🤣😂
I agree wholeheartedly...and my views on limited government is much closer to your views than you think.
#5: It’s nothing personal. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Of course it's personal...you made it so. When someone calls another person a Pompous Ass, it becomes personal...
One week apart, how does this work??? Is the Chargers coach that much more inept than the Raiders coach? Both of these teams need to unfuck themselves. And a lot of the Raiders offensive starters were out due to various injuries.🤷‍♂️
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