PLANNING 2016 Windrock, TN - End of Summer Run

I'll be doing it myself. I'm torn between sprinted and edelbrock

I'm far from an expert on the subject, but it will probably come down to who has the best tune with the fewest issues right? I'm not up to date on who's having the least problems right now.
Not too worried about the tune because you can always go custom. Will really come down to lower increase between 2250 rpm and 3500rpm. Everyone run I tests above 3000 rpm and I want the most lower in the mid range I use the most
So, thise thinking about running the Extreme group, who's ready for Devil's Elbow at the end of next summer? (Photo cred to 09epetry) The picture doesn't do this section justice.

I'm with Scott, I'm down for it!!!! That's if I get the tons swapped in before then. If not, I'll just be in the hard group lol

Depending on how the runs work out, the Advanced group will probably have the option to run this trail with the Extreme group as well if they so choose.

Based on what I saw this weekend, without lockers, getting up it with finesse is going to be next to impossible and not being able to crawl it will more than likely result in fender damage.
Depending on how the runs work out, the Advanced group will probably have the option to run this trail with the Extreme group as well if they so choose.

Based on what I saw this weekend, without lockers, getting up it with finesse is going to be next to impossible and not being able to crawl it will more than likely result in fender damage.

Single locker with 35's will make it 6 months ago in dry conditions. Looks like the right side washed out some more so that might have to be ammended.

I want to attempt little school bus, and waldens ridge next trip out.
Single locker with 35's will make it 6 months ago in dry conditions. Looks like the right side washed out some more so that might have to be ammended.

I want to attempt little school bus, and waldens ridge next trip out.

Never said someone without lockers wouldn't be able to make it, just that without them, it would drastically raise the possibility of body damage.

Edit: you wouldn't happen to have any video of you going up it do you? Wouldn't mind seeing it to see if the line I was thinking is the correct one.
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No video... My close friends suck at taking pictures or video. The line I used was up the right cut hard left up on the bank at the base of the rock then cut hard back to the right when you get the back tires close to the big rock
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