Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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Hey man! I was beginning to wonder about you, you usually show up a lot faster (uninvited party). No your mind is too sensitive (reminds me of a little girl).

This thread seems a lot more appropriate for these types of pissing matches...
Come on. He cared so much about the girl, that's why he posted that pic, for us all to care. Oh wait, you mean he hasn't posted a health update since? Guess it was just for show!! 😳😢

She die. Go ahead make a joke JAGS.
3 for 3 LOL... A coward and weak man. Plz go ahead tell me more...

I am a veteran AND a cancer survivor who is still going through treatment and working 40+ hrs a week and somehow finds the strength and energy to maintain my fitness level because I understand that it is the one and only thing that has given me the ability to walk around this hospital (currently having chemo pumped into my vein) looking strong and healthy while everyone around me looks like they are on deaths doorstep.

If you are looking for weakness or a coward, I will recommend that you look elsewhere, sir.

I am simply a man who loves his country and detests the PC, soft-boned direction that people like you are steering us toward.
I am a veteran AND a cancer survivor who is still going through treatment and working 40+ hrs a week and somehow finds the strength and energy to maintain my fitness level because I understand that it is the one and only thing that has given me the ability to walk around this hospital (currently having chemo pumped into my vein) looking strong and healthy while everyone around me looks like they are on deaths doorstep.

If you are looking for weakness or a coward, I will recommend that you look elsewhere, sir.

I am simply a man who loves his country and detests the PC, soft-boned direction that people like you are steering us toward.

Hey man! I was beginning to wonder about you, you usually show up a lot faster (uninvited party). No your mind is too sensitive (reminds me of a little girl).

better late than never is what I always say!

well damn I was really hoping for more :/
I am a veteran AND a cancer survivor who is still going through treatment and working 40+ hrs a week and somehow finds the strength and energy to maintain my fitness level because I understand that it is the one and only thing that has given me the ability to walk around this hospital (currently having chemo pumped into my vein) looking strong and healthy while everyone around me looks like they are on deaths doorstep.

If you are looking for weakness or a coward, I will recommend that you look elsewhere, sir.

I am simply a man who loves his country and detests the PC, soft-boned direction that people like you are steering us toward.

I don't know we're it all went wrong with you sir, but here in TEXAS we call him a coward and weak, he who cannot confront another man personally. Your probably not even from TX, well now you know.
I don't know we're it all went wrong with you sir, but here in TEXAS we call him a coward and weak, he who cannot confront another man personally. Your probably not even from TX, well now you know.

I don't know we're it all went wrong with you sir, but here in TEXAS we call him a coward and weak, he who cannot confront another man personally. Your probably not even from TX, well now you know.

I do believe he did confront you personally. And did so in a manner that showed everyone he confronted you. I definitely don't find that to be cowardice.
She die. Go ahead make a joke JAGS.

Who was making jokes? I said nobody posted up about that since, but some wanted to make a big deal about the girl. Some people care and others care more about attention. My comment had nothing to do with any of the victims.
Perhaps somebody else can help me here.... I have NO idea what you are talking about or suggesting. Perhaps you can sack up and say what is on your mind?

I'm with you. This thread has been a long time coming. PLucas, time to get up on your soapbox and tell us all what you've been wanting to say for a while now.
Perhaps somebody else can help me here.... I have NO idea what you are talking about or suggesting. Perhaps you can sack up and say what is on your mind?

Naw I'm good... Just do what you do. At lease you left the other thread alone (I give you that). I really think it sucks when threads are derail, just because some ppl crave attention.
Naw I'm good... Just do what you do. At lease you left the other thread alone (I give you that). I really think it sucks when threads are derail, just because some ppl crave attention.

You're good? Hmmm you are good a derailing threads which is why this one was made for you. Perhaps you crave attention?
Naw I'm good... Just do what you do. At lease you left the other thread alone (I give you that). I really think it sucks when threads are derail, just because some ppl crave attention.

maybe your the one that craves the attention. why don't you just speak whats on your mind, or are you to "manly" to speak about your feelings
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