OVER 10 MILLION VIEWS on YouTube - Post Up Your Favorite & WIN!!

Cant pick just one easily. It doesn't work that way!! I guess, I have watched this the MOST :thumb:


The Rubicon is definately on the Bucketlist for me
Where it all started

First of all, congratulations to you both - here's to another 10 million! :drinks:

The choice for favorite here was easy; this is the video that started it all for me:

We had just purchased our first jeep in 2013, and between doing research on what kinds of upgrades and manufacturers were around, I was also checking YouTube for videos of folks using their JKs actively out on the trail to see what they were capable of (and how far I would have to go to build mine up to do the same.)

Along that journey, the video above was/is special to me for several reasons:
  • I was born and raised in Colorado, and grew up doing MUCH MUCH milder off-roading with family and friends, so I was stoked to see a video featuring my home state as well as some of the extreme areas I'd never even heard of. (I have been up Pikes Peak tho!)
  • This was my first time watching a Jeep video that wasn't just a Wheeling video or strictly Obstacle Porn. Seeing everyone getting to hang out, socialize, drink, eat, travel and check out the history in the area is the other half of the experience that got me hooked onto Wayalife as a concept/forum. I had 3-4 other forums I was looking to actively get into, but this vid led me to watching all the rest, and now I'm exclusively here :)
  • The video editing, with the music, narration, graphics, etc was a huge inspiration for me as for years I'd always dabbled in trying to do "cool editing stuff" (minus narration) to my videos in other hobbies. I love finding songs that fit the visuals and this was such an unexpected thing to find in a Jeep video. I mean most of them were shaky-cam clips with a dude hollering spotter commands, maybe some country playing in the background. Nothing wrong with that, but this level of production blew my mind.
  • It was the first video I found of such a large convoy of just JKs like that rolling down the highway and on the trails. This and the camaraderie I mentioned above left a huge impression on me and seeded a desire to one day attend a JKX.
  • By then, I had already narrowed my choices down to going either MetalCloak or EVO Mfg for the bulk of my armor mods... this was the first video I'd seen Mel in, and after discovering that he was "the man" behind ORE doing all of this (and more) with off the shelf EVO stuff, I was sold. (Watching it again here, I had forgotten about the EVO Mfg spot in the middle of the vid, lol, subliminal!)
  • This was also my first time seeing EVO1 in action as an example of an *extremely* modified JKU, which got me jazzed. Don't get me wrong, Moby and the others in this vid that were willing to do Carnage were all badass rigs, but the sheer amount of visuals EVO1 puts out between the custom carrier, hood-flares, half doors, etc is insanity to a person who is new to JK modification.

Bonus fact: After watching that video, I put together that Eddie and Cindy were together, but I seriously thought Moby was hers cause all the clips featured her behind the wheel :cheesy:
Keep it Tight Pt. 3 has always been my favorite. It was the first video I stumbled on to and was one of the reasons that I bought my first jeep in 2012. It showed me that a Jeep wasn't just another SUV and what the "Wayalife" really was. Hard to pick just one!

OVER 10 MILLION VIEWS on YouTube - Post Up Your Favorite & WIN!!

Congrats on the 10 million views!!!!! That's really awesome.. Really hard to pick just one but Wild Wild West got me hooked. I dream of the day when I have my jeep built up enough and I should be so lucky to attend one of those trips...

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