OK - 4HI or 4LO to get through this...


2015-04-25 13.55.42.jpg2015-04-25 13.55.52.jpg2015-04-25 14.29.57.jpg2015-04-25 16.45.50.jpg

2015 Willy's w/Auto tranny - I was in 4HI because that's what a buddy of mind told me I should be running in, especially in mud because 4LO would be too much torque? I know how every person wheels is different and you find things that work for your rig that might not be the case per say on another rig - but is there like a "wheelin' 101" post of something that breaks it down for those of us who would like to educate ourselves a bit more? by the time we were done trying to get out we had hi-centered the thing... got winched out - now lookin' got invest in one of my own...

The rest of the day/trails were like this:

2015-04-25 11.51.15.jpg2015-04-25 12.02.29.jpg2015-04-25 13.24.47.jpg

An occasional spot here and there but mostly just your standard issue fire road...

I did search and answers were mixed, so i wanted to post and ask based on my personal experience of being stuck in a spot that I might have been able to get through if I was better educated.

Also I saw mention of turning the ESP off? what would or does that do when wheelin'? also turning ECO off? Changing gears?

Thank in advance, for myself and anyone else who may have the same questions...
Id say 4LO. Sometimes with the 4:1 tcase 4LO is too low for mud/sand but with the 2.72:1 like you have id run 4LO for sure. This would also automatically shut off your ESP. The ECO is just a light telling you that you are in fuel friendly rpm range etc, you can't shut it off

Looks like you were having fun though!
IMO there is no clean answer. The key to mud is keeping momentum. Simetimes you can walk right through it. Sometimes you need wheel speed to keep the tires clean. Sometimes nothing will work.... There are way too many variables here, so just have fun, be safe, and explore. Time will tell you what works and what doesn't.
Usually 4 hi for mud as you want momentum and wheel speed. However, looking at the ruts I would say you need more lift and bigger tires also. 😁👍 especially since you said you got hung up on the frame.

Your in luck though, that just means more jeep parts needed.
I usually run 4LO just to keep control around trees and stuff. With a 4:1 T-case though I spend a lot of time in 3rd, 4th, 5th gear. I can see the reasoning behind 4HI in a case like this. Wheel speed is definitely your friend, as is momentum. But yeah, some stuff you're just not going to get through.
and of course different tires will perform differently in the mud (or rocks, or street or snow etc.)...as one poster said, there are so many variables involved there would be no clearcut answer...with no lift, factory tires and no winch it might be best to avoid deep rutted mud pits...just saying...
Thank you bonedaddy, for starting this thread. I have the 2014 version of yours, stock, and need, want to know the same thing. I'm taking in what everyone has said.
Yeah the line I was on went a little too close and we slid in... we didn't intentionally hit the ruts, I was trying keep on the edge of the mess... once we slid ans dropped I knew we were done... hind sight I might have been able to back out of it if I had it in 4LO but who knows... as one said there is just sum stuff I aint getting through...

But those BFG's on there do pretty well though, but stock def has its limitations... ;)

Won't be the last time I am sure, but will def be better prepared to get myself out in the future...
If you leave it in 2wd and avoid that shit all together you will be fine.

Lol. That works also. A wise old man we worked for several years ago asked me why I had a lift and big tires on my truck. I told him cause I liked it and liked playing in 4wd. He pointed to his practically stock 4wd and said he's never been stuck and has always had vehicles like that truck. I kind of laughed and asked him how was that. He said he would get stuck in 2wd, put it in 4wd, back out and go the hell the other way. Lol.

Sometime around the same timeframe he buried that truck while feeding cows and had to get the tractor to pull himself out.
If you leave it in 2wd and avoid that shit all together you will be fine.

Yes you are correct, but where's the fun in that... ;)

once you hit limitations then you figureout what you need/want for your rig and build from there... believe me, I didnt want to be in that shit or cleaning off that shit... I learned fast in the short time I have had her that as much fun mud is, its no where near as much fun getting rid of it... thats one of the first pieces of advice I got on the forum...
As the owner of one mostly stocker to another, take it into the mud as far as you can in Hi or Low and then call for the strap or cable. Looks like that's what you did and you were pretty well buried there. That's the fun. Yee-Haa!:yup:

Edit: True, the gorpy cleanup isn't the most fun.
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Yeah I just pretty much wanted my fellow wayoflifers to take a look at my photos and let us know if they were put in that situation or come across that section, based there knowledge from passed experience, what they would have done or not have done... yeah some may think i was a dumbass for attempting anything in a stock neep, and maybe i am ;) but hey lifes a learning experience, so is wheelin ... ;)

And honestly so far my trials and errors still have been a blast!
Yeah I just pretty much wanted my fellow wayoflifers to take a look at my photos and let us know if they were put in that situation or come across that section, based there knowledge from passed experience, what they would have done or not have done... yeah some may think i was a dumbass for attempting anything in a stock neep, and maybe i am ;) but hey lifes a learning experience, so is wheelin ... ;)

And honestly so far my trials and errors still have been a blast!

And there lies the truth, have fun! be safe! Rinse and Repeat.
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