No wonder people bash this site..

Plenty of good guys from the east coast, and who wheel RC. There are no geographical limitations on douchery.

Thanks Sharkey! I was trying not to get my panties all in a twist about the RC reference. As it's about the closest thing we have to anything approaching "hard" wheeling. I'd like to say that it's epic and it has tested the limits of me and my stock Dana 30 (with Solid diff covers...) to the limits!! On another note, the mud smells so bad that once it's on a jeep like yours you'd gladly sell it to one of us East Coast guys for half it's value! :brows:
Damn it! I take one day off the internet and I miss all the fun!!!

I just gotta ask - Strizzy... did you ever make it to the tons and 40's... I know i gave you a ton of shit on another forum about your "build". But I was anxious to see how it turned out.

Well, I'd first like to thank you for being a loyal follower! Without people like you I'd be nothing, therefor I have purpose. Toanswer your question...Two to three years ago I was a swinging bachelor with all the dreams in life and it would appear that I was going to live in CA for a long time. 40's and 1-tons were the goal for terrain out here. Well I grew up and am no longer going to live in CA and there's little terrain to justify that set-up back east. Has anything in your life changed over the past 3 years or have you been a douche the whole time?

Oh let me guess - being that you gave him a ton of shit, the "other forum" must have been JKO. :crazyeyes:

To be honest, I have no clue where/what he's talking about. My guess is a build/advice thread I started on every site I could find, back when I first found out about forums. He must be talking about my old 07 JKU

I am not really sure what is going on with this forum... I registered... posted and started a thread about a legit question I have.. and it seems I get no information but sarcasm regarding my thread.

What gives here ?

What are guys getting at ? I figured as a newb I would get some hazing but... You guys have nothing to offer tech wise to go along with it ?

So you were innocent and being a douche to me should be ignored? The one thing I like about this site, and reason I don't talk on others, is because people here don't tolerate a douchebag. If you come here asking real questions...they will be answered. Maybe not how you want them, but they will. Come here like an :asshat: and we'll shove your nose in your shit!

No wonder people bash this site..

Within one day of joining and asking a few questions and posting in a few threads the Admin is targeting me asking me what my agenda is... lol

So no agenda, shit talking, preconceived notion of what goes on here and why "people bash this site"...I don't know why he would question you? :thinking:

For a newb, I'm surprised that you were giving a guy like StrizzyChris "shit" on your preferred "other forum". :thinking:

He doesn't like my sweet sweet milky legs :crazyeyes:

but since you want to bring up strizzy. He was a tool who started three build threads in one year about 40's and one tons.. but twelve months later he had beddlined his wheels and installed a soft top. Complete clown... I am only stating the facts.. when he got called out he apparently came here.. where he is worshipped.. lol

Ok yes, you are talking about my old Jeep. I never put on a soft-top, I SOLD a soft top. I didn't know anyone worshipped me here :blush:

....and I love how you fallowed me for 12months+ and then fallowed me here. I think I have a Canadian on my hands Eddie! Anyone know how to block unknown callers :eek:

Couldn't for the life of me figure out your screen name, then I realized the "mmn" is silent.

Is that a little bit like having a three link sitting in your garage for six months? he the pot? or the Kettle?

bless your heart$. You guys are precious ! Six months.. ? Longer than that my friend.. which is why I was looking for second opinions prior to install

So having a build plan, waiting to make sure its the right plan, and then second guessing or changing the plan based on your needs? Sounds familiar....but what do I know I'm a web wheeler like you stated :idontknow:

you would think as the admin of this site, you would have better things to do on a weeekend night than reply to my every post and look up my forum history with every other site..

pretty pathetic.

yet very comical !

Yet here you are

longer than a year too.. lol I wish I had the free time to go look all over the interwebs at new members to follow their history, but real life keeps getting in the way !

Sounds like you did exactly that with me :thinking:

doing some research... if its not worth it I wont install it..

but apparently I am not going to get educated information here !!!

echo echo echo

Regarding StrizzyChris - your appraisal of him is so far off you couldn't be more wrong. He, and his brother, are wonderful guys that may not measure up to your Jeep coolness, but Chris is the real deal. I'd go Jeeping with him pretty much anywhere, particularly if he brings enough spraypaint for my rock rails as well. :thumb:

Thanks! I got your rails covered Wugs! ;)

yea.. he is hardcore... lol. I didnt say he want a decent guy. I even have told him that before. !

Is that when you called me a tool? Would you please show me where I ever felt the need to claim that I was "hardcore" on any site? Or where I made any claims about my rig being better than anyone else?

He was only a few Jeeps ahead of me on the Rubicon last June - hardly a web wheeler.

Again, Fact....

An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.
initially, but when three of my first four posts are either deleted or moved, and then the masses automatically say that rear 3 links are the devil, because they have been sippin the kool aid here, with no real worlkd knowledge.. i just assume that I will not benefit from here... meh, maybe Im wrong

So let me get this straight...3 link suspensions rock because they allow what that a 4 link does not? More flex? We just went over how control arms do not add flex. Sooo lets go over another many links at minimum are required to stabilize a solid axle to at least drive it? 3 right? Well what if one of those 3 break? Well, in that case my friend, you are what we call FU@&ED!!! So in summary...Why spend all that money to install a 3link suspension system(not to be confused with a real triangulated 3 link system) when it actually doesn't do a damn thing to improve ANYTHING? I run RK arms, I'm not biased or bashing the company...I just have logic and reasoning. What do you have?

We flushed this terd Chris, he won't be responding under that screen name anyhow ..

Well, now that you mention it, I see that he has been excreted. I'll be expecting a reply from ASmnnmSmnHAmnnnmT before too long.

You mean to tell me you have a life?! :eek:

Surprising for such a tool like me huh?

An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

....and THIS is why we love it here!

People who will one moment tell you that a Teraflex BB, trimmed fenders and 35's on your stock JKUR is the right system for your needs and budget...and the next minute, be out at some of the most extreme offroad races in all of the U.S. and wheeling their 100K+ rigs while wrenching on race rigs. People get butthurt when they ask a subjective question of "what's the best" and when they get an answer other than what they want to hear, its because we worship someone.

Eddie, I hate to break it to you in this way...but I don't worship you. I know, I know, its hard to take....but I respect you and appreciate everything you do for the Jeep community and here on WAL. I value your opinion, insight and take what you say into serious consideration when making purchases for my 07 JKUS with a soft top and bed lined wheels. ;)
So let me get this straight...3 link suspensions rock because they allow what that a 4 link does not? More flex? We just went over how control arms do not add flex. Sooo lets go over another many links at minimum are required to stabilize a solid axle to at least drive it? 3 right? Well what if one of those 3 break? Well, in that case my friend, you are what we call FU@&ED!!! So in summary...Why spend all that money to install a 3link suspension system(not to be confused with a real triangulated 3 link system) when it actually doesn't do a damn thing to improve ANYTHING? I run RK arms, I'm not biased or bashing the company...I just have logic and reasoning. What do you have?

Well, now that you mention it, I see that he has been excreted. I'll be expecting a reply from ASmnnmSmnHAmnnnmT before too long.

Surprising for such a tool like me huh?

....and THIS is why we love it here!

People who will one moment tell you that a Teraflex BB, trimmed fenders and 35's on your stock JKUR is the right system for your needs and budget...and the next minute, be out at some of the most extreme offroad races in all of the U.S. and wheeling their 100K+ rigs while wrenching on race rigs. People get butthurt when they ask a subjective question of "what's the best" and when they get an answer other than what they want to hear, its because we worship someone.

Eddie, I hate to break it to you in this way...but I don't worship you. I know, I know, its hard to take....but I respect you and appreciate everything you do for the Jeep community and here on WAL. I value your opinion, insight and take what you say into serious consideration when making purchases for my 07 JKUS with a soft top and bed lined wheels. ;)

According the the web wheelers handbook that assmints swears on like its the gospel chapter 6 page ten, "ten extra online wheeler points for bed lined wheels".
An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

Wonderful, just wonderful - Now people are going to think that I actually have a life away from my computer, do things that actually involve Jeeps and have real friends. :naw: :crazyeyes: :D

In all seriousness, thank you, I really do appreciate it. I still can't believe you had driven as long as you had, at crazy speeds and on wicked terrain WITH A BROKEN FRONT TRACK BAR!! How you could have thought that you just had a flat tire and be so calm about it is simply nuts!! Congratulations to you and the rest of the EVO1 crew for the outstanding WIN over the weekend :thumb:
I'm going to add to this a bit, Chris.
And contrary to popular belief, Eddie doesn't bash people if they don't take his advice. It's no secret that I've listened to his advice more than once and then gone a different direction at the last minute for one reason or another. It's often when a person goes that other direction then comes back on here bragging about how they think the parts they were warned about are (in their own feeble mind), Gods gift to wheeling that shit starts going downhill directly for them on here.
You mean to tell me that you have Currie D60 axles and you haven't been banned yet? Didn't you know that WAL is anti Currie products?

(except the frequent recommendation of Currie Steering components and Jonny Joints) :dont_tell:
You mean to tell me that you have Currie D60 axles and you haven't been banned yet? Didn't you know that WAL is anti Currie products?

(except the frequent recommendation of Currie Steering components and Jonny Joints) :dont_tell:

If that we're really the case then I'd have been banned several times over, because I have all of that AND a Shit-Pod. But I truly wouldn't have blamed Eddie one bit if he had his finger hovering over the ban button when he saw the sexy orange knuckles on the Dana 30 or even when he saw me with the 40's on that same axle, lmao.
If that we're really the case then I'd have been banned several times over, because I have all of that AND a Shit-Pod. But I truly wouldn't have blamed Eddie one bit if he had his finger hovering over the ban button when he saw the sexy orange knuckles on the Dana 30 or even when he saw me with the 40's on that same axle, lmao.

Yea. I got banned for buying a stiff teraflex 2.5" coil lift.

Oh wait. No I didnt. Lol

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Yea. I got banned for buying a stiff teraflex 2.5" coil lift.

Oh wait. No I didnt. Lol

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app

LoL I have a dealer installed mopar/teraflex lift and I didn't get banned either. We must have slipped through the cracks. :D
An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

:clap2: Way to GO!:thumb: I believe this says it all. :thumb:
Getting dirty FUN! Friends and Family Great! WAYALIFE PRICELESS!:thumb::wings:
Wonderful, just wonderful - Now people are going to think that I actually have a life away from my computer, do things that actually involve Jeeps and have real friends. :naw: :crazyeyes: :D:

:cheesy: :cheesy: All this time I thought this was you when you were at home...ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1408407051.532399.jpg
Damn it! I take one day off the internet and I miss all the fun!!!

I didn't know anyone worshipped me here :blush:

No really we worship you Chris, who else is gonna paint our sliders on the trail? Wait... not really I can't back that up but will you touch up my rails when we go wheelin? :D :friends: :drunkbuds:
No really we worship you Chris, who else is gonna paint our sliders on the trail? Wait... not really I can't back that up but will you touch up my rails when we go wheelin? :D :friends: :drunkbuds:

Doesn't that require a trail where they'll get scratched? Lol, JK
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