NJ trail Help


New member
Come spring some of my friends and I want to take a trip to the Pine Barrens. I have heard that the trails are not so bad and are doable with a stock Jeep, which some in our group have. I would like to know if there are any Maps that I can purchase? I have heard that there a lot of trails and you could easily get lost. If there are no maps, is there a breakdown of the trails that someone could point me too?
Damn, I wish I could help you out with that. The trails here in VA are all "point a-b" so watching the vids gave me a good idea. Best of luck to you.
Pine barrens is a ton of mud! If I had the choice I think I would rather go to rausch creek instead. Has a little more variety.
Pine barrens is a ton of mud! If I had the choice I think I would rather go to rausch creek instead. Has a little more variety.

X2. And if u don't know your way around there, u could end up in some deep holes. Never been there, and don't intend on ever going.
i drive the pine barrens solo on occasion to get away from it all..

what mud?











nothing beats being out in the forest in the dead of winter with no one around

just me and my gps








and just an fyi

there are no trails in Wharton State Forest (Pine Barrens) - the 'trails' are actually state designated roads

need a map? - use google maps - zoom in and there 'ya go

all the photos above are roads easily found on google maps

have fun
and i suggest to think twice before wandering off on any side 'trails'

during one of my solo runs, i had just cleared a bend and stumbled upon this.

the rangers do patrol down there so stick to the main roads

Sudz- thanks for all the info. This was what I was looking for. I didn't know that the trials would be on Google. Do you know if there are places to camp?
Not a big fan of the Pine Barrens....mostly sand tracks which can be done with a civic, a few mudholes, and dirtbag rangers that have nothing to do but bother offroaders. If you want to wheel local, go to R.Creek, but if it's an event you are planning with your buddies, consider going to a national forest or something of the sort. Stokes state forest is at least prettier and less rangers around to bother you.
NFRs2000NYC-I have been out to RC a couple of times. You are right its great place to go. However, it’s a little bit of a drive from where I am at in NJ. And some of my group, are a little bit wary of it. Our group just went to Stokes last week. It’s fun and easy, nothing to crazy. However, the only places you can camp out on the camp grounds themselves. The Ranger there, have been getting a little bit testy because a lot of kids just go up there and destroy the trails. So you are starting to see the Rangers more and more. Since none of us have been to Wharton State Forest(Pine Barrens). We figure we would go as a group. Since some only have stock jeeps, they don’t want to get to crazy. Me and another are the only two that have lifts and a little bit more experience.

So from what I have read so far. If we stick to the trails that we see on the maps, we “should” be fine with the rangers, there’s a lot of sand and mud. And maybe places to camp overnight. I have been watch some videos, it all so far seem relatively easy trails. Might get stuck in some soft sand or in mud.
NFRs2000NYC-I have been out to RC a couple of times. You are right its great place to go. However, it’s a little bit of a drive from where I am at in NJ. And some of my group, are a little bit wary of it. Our group just went to Stokes last week. It’s fun and easy, nothing to crazy. However, the only places you can camp out on the camp grounds themselves. The Ranger there, have been getting a little bit testy because a lot of kids just go up there and destroy the trails. So you are starting to see the Rangers more and more. Since none of us have been to Wharton State Forest(Pine Barrens). We figure we would go as a group. Since some only have stock jeeps, they don’t want to get to crazy. Me and another are the only two that have lifts and a little bit more experience.

So from what I have read so far. If we stick to the trails that we see on the maps, we “should” be fine with the rangers, there’s a lot of sand and mud. And maybe places to camp overnight. I have been watch some videos, it all so far seem relatively easy trails. Might get stuck in some soft sand or in mud.

Some pointers.....

1) Make sure your rigs are 100% road legal for NJ....tickets Jeeps NEVER EVER get in NJ from cops (front plate, covers on lights, mudflaps if needed in NJ, etc) are steadily handed out in the Barrens. Like I said, they have NOTHING to do, so they just bust balls.

2) If it doesn't look like a road, stay off of it. Getting lost excuse doesn't work with them.

3) If you see a mud pit, unless it's on a road, stay away. They always threaten you with thousands of dollars in fines for "destroying wetlands." The last time I was there with a group, he pulled us all over (waited 40 minutes to do so because he didn't want to come into the mud with his truck) and told us all to GTFO of there or else he would slap us all with fines...it was literally a mud puddle but they want to feel important, so they start with the wetland stuff.

4) Don't speed....some of the sandy stretches might be fun to blast down, but again, they bust balls for that.

5) If you see water, keep the stock guys back and let a modded guy take first dip...a lot of those "puddles" are a lot deeper than they look.

6) Make sure you have a winched jeep at the front of the group and at the rear of the group, makes recovery easier, a few tow straps wouldn't hurt either.

In the future, if you and your buddies want to have some real fun wheeling, Take NJ turnpike south, make a right onto the i70, and don't stop until you hit Moab. It will be the best trip you ever take.
Mostly sand roads like the picture but be careful of deeeeeeeepppppp mud holes. I have seen vehicles sink deep. My friend drove his Honda Fit down many of the roads in the Pines.

Some of my pics here http://www.dynamicoffroading.com/NJ Trails.html

Not many obstacles but tons of mud if you are into mud. If you travel out of Wharton State and into random locations in the Pines be careful of going off the designated path as others have stated. Trails in the Pines should be on Google or at least look like some type of trail. If you have to think about if it is a trail or not just avoid it, you will receive a ticket.

There are tons of places to camp as well.
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