Just put a set of 4 on this morning. 35x12.5R17. Replaced my second set of ProComp XTreme A/Ts (great all around tires, not so good in mud). You can find the tires for much less than $360, and with free shipping! I paid $320ish.
First impression is that they look smaller/thinner than my old ProComps, even though the manufacturer says they are within .1" of each other in diameter. Second impression is that they are VERY smooth and quiet on the road; I can barely hear them with the windows up (FYI my carpet and cubby cover are removed at the moment). Handling seemed a bit nervous at first, but this might be due to the installers putting in 40PSI (!!!). I took them down to 35PSI, and they are better behaved. I will try 30PSI and see how that feels. Speaking of feeling, I was expecting much more vibration and harshness from the aggressive tread and "E" rating; instead, they feel slightly more stiff and communicative than the stock AT tires.
I haven't tried them in the mud yet, but hope to later this week. I will report back.
I actually wanted the Exo Grappler due to the snow rating, but I could not find those in my size last week ... and I couldn't wait any longer.
2008 JKU, 3.5" lift, and a ton (figuratively and almost literally) of mods.