Never Forget. 9/11


Having just returned from NYC, I can say I will never forget. You can't help it as it seems we are all connected to the tragedy that day. Friends, family members, co-workers or someone we know, knew someone in those building. Prayers to all those grieving today. God bless to those that continue to fight and protect our freedoms.

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I was just thinking about posting something myself. Thanks for the pictures. My heart goes out to all who were lost. Shall we never forget.

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Thank you JAGS for sharing your is always a somber day to be on shift.......and attending the 9-11 ceremony this morning even 13 years later I still have to fight to keep my emotions in check.........My thoughts and prayers go out to those families who lost their loved ones on 9-11-01....and to all the military men and women who have given their all to keep us safe here at home............Never Forget........God Bless America


We raised the United States Flag at half mast today outside the fire station and had a minutes silence. We may be thousands of miles apart but we still honour our fallen brothers from across the ocean.

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I was at the towers a couple months before they fell and then went back a year after the attack (school trip) and it was just gut wrenching to be there. I haven't been since the second time. Obviously I didn't pass the towers everyday of my life like thousands did everyday but just thinking about what is must have been like having been at the bottom is just unfathomable. But as a firefighter I would not hesitate for a second to go in, though.

RIP 343 (and counting) fallen brothers and sisters.
I am only a volunteer firefighter but have been for 15 years and every year brings back all of the memories that day. All of the politics of our elected officials sickens me to know they put politics before the good of our country. Thank you to all our military members for serving and fire, police, and ems also.
I am only a volunteer firefighter but have been for 15 years and every year brings back all of the memories that day. All of the politics of our elected officials sickens me to know they put politics before the good of our country. Thank you to all our military members for serving and fire, police, and ems also.

Why do you say, "only a volunteer firefighter"? Last I checked the fire is the same temperature and can still kill us whether or not we do it for free or as a job. The danger doesn't discriminate, brother. (Side bar: The country has more volunteer departments than paid departments.)

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app
One of my best friends was station at the pentagon on 9/11...They only left the building for 5 mins..They went back inside and back to work with the build still on fire because they had troops across the world depending them... My hat is off to all the Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines.. That walked back into the building that day..Same Goes for all the Police and Firefighters in New York...YOU Are the reason we are the Land of the free and home of the Brave!!!! Thanks you :usa::2thumbsup::usa:
Great responses and follow up pics. My kids were not born when the towers came down, but was special to take them last month (now 10 yr old) to the memorial and walk the grounds and show respect for all those lost and those that battle/continue to battle.

Like I said in the first post, we are all connected to this in some way. Read some years ago that there is only like 3 or 4 degrees of separation between every American and someone in the towers. My son's teacher lost her father in the south tower. My moms company lost 143 workers from their NY division. How can we possibly forget.
Great responses and follow up pics. My kids were not born when the towers came down, but was special to take them last month (now 10 yr old) to the memorial and walk the grounds and show respect for all those lost and those that battle/continue to battle.

Like I said in the first post, we are all connected to this in some way. Read some years ago that there is only like 3 or 4 degrees of separation between every American and someone in the towers. My son's teacher lost her father in the south tower. My moms company lost 143 workers from their NY division. How can we possibly forget.

Well its sad but we have become the pre 9/11 country again.. On 9/12 we all became one Nation again.. But over the last 13 years we become divided again.. We need to remember.. Never forget....
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What an interesting day I have had.

I awoke to my son swatting me with a stick - he is 1 and a half - which turned out to be a little American flag he had found in a toybox. He woke up full of life and energy and my wife and I joked about he was freeing the hell out of me with the flag. It was a beautiful moment to appreciate the good and the positive of life where I can enjoy my son in all his hellraising fury. I drove to work with my co-worker, both of us vets, and we observed a long moment of silence until the morning show on the radio played their 9/11 montage. It was a unique rendition of their own show, callers and hosts reporting the breaking news... grown men had called in that day in tears, audibly choking back anguish in their voices to request prayers for fallen or missing family members... the hosts, typically full of jokes and good spirits were gravely somber and in disbelief. It brought full body goosebumps and a lump in my throat.

Fast forward through the usual work related non-sense and arrive to my evening.

I came home, no kids tonight, wife at work with the children (daycare) and I'm working on my Jeep and a small mod project - it occurs to me I am 13 years older, 13 years wiser, borderline taking my own freedom which I laid down my life for and friends died to protect for granted and we are on the verge of yet another crisis from the same groups who initiated a devastating blow to the greatest country on earth.

If you're fighting with your wife, if you're upset with your kids or in a bad way somewhere in life... put your phone down, hold them tight and remember that 13 years ago today this country, the entire nation lost families, friends, loveds ones who were not enemy combatants. These were mothers, wives, husbands, children who were out for a vacation, off to work or in the vicinity - all innocent - who did not deserve their fate and were not in harms way except by some cosmic twist of fate.

I know exactly where I was, exactly what I was doing and I will never forget because I can't, I won't and not one of you will either. Make peace with your wife, your brother and your kids - know that each sunrise is a precious jewel, because we may never live to see another sunset.

Sent from my SM-P905V using WAYALIFE mobile app
Why do you say, "only a volunteer firefighter"? Last I checked the fire is the same temperature and can still kill us whether or not we do it for free or as a job. The danger doesn't discriminate, brother. (Side bar: The country has more volunteer departments than paid departments.)

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app

Should not have used the word "only" just saying it meant the same to me as it did to all the career guys, I love the fire service
Enlisted June 14, 2000 as (then 95B) 31B, MP, into a reserve Garrison Support Unit. Though we did mobilize twice, both times were stateside. We tried as a unit to deploy numerous times but never happened. Several guys did go in ones & twos, for the most part we did our originally stated stateside mission.

I lost several friends, including a member of my wedding party who used to be a troop of mine but went to the dark side: infantry officer. OK Guard lost a lot of guys that rotation.
RIP SSG Shank & LT Joe Cunningham, and many others.
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