Need some help on vacation

Raven Moon

New member
So Im in Vegas on vacation (I was born and raised here but havent lived here in years) and my license plate bracket on my Jeep is broken (I think someone kicked it). I need a new one but I have no tools or anything for this other than my multi-tool. Where can I get a new one, hopefully an all metal one not a plastic monster like it has already. Any help would be nice.

So Im in Vegas on vacation (I was born and raised here but havent lived here in years) and my license plate bracket on my Jeep is broken (I think someone kicked it). I need a new one but I have no tools or anything for this other than my multi-tool. Where can I get a new one, hopefully an all metal one not a plastic monster like it has already. Any help would be nice.


Go to AutoZone and get some zip ties and zip tie it your tire carrier. Then go to the Jeep dealer and get the delete plug for $20. Disconnect the light in the tub and then when you get home order a tire carrier license plate bracket.

if you by chance make it down to LA during your vacation i have the plastic factory one you can have and ill help you put it on. probably wont make it this way but just in case.
Well I went to 4Wheel Parts here in town and ordered a new bracket. Had to wait for an over night. I also will have a new set of hood latches installed. So In a way this is my first aftermarket upgrades. Not much but its a start. Im still making payments so I dont want to do to much yet.

Thanks for the input guys:D
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